A world full of wonderful and unique creatures, a group of adventurers, known as the Wild Scouts, keeping order within the environment and a dark secret befallen upon an entire bloodline. Our story starts with a young woman by the name of Ami, who one day happened to come across a grim end, only to instead discover something about her family's bloodline that surprised her greatly, a curse. This curse, leads Ami to search for her long thought to be dead mother and upon learning more about her curse, gives her the motivation to travel the world of Eris in order to find her. Alongside her sister Amy, her Commander Aizen and Senior Scout Jargon, Ami's adventure begins as she pursues her goals of rising in the ranks and finding her mother. However, she will also find that this curse of hers may be more than she can handle, for the creatures of Eris are voracious and invasive. On top of the Wild Scout's mission to preserve the environment and remove any threatening creatures that can destroy the ecosystem alongside a rather abrasive group who's morals are questionable and lacking, Ami's adventure is sure to be full of obstacles and troubles. But for a plucky young woman such as Ami, she will prevail this harsh mission that she finds herself on.

Episode List
Adventurous Ami - Episode 1 Defying Death
-The beginning of Ami's adventure starts here, where her and her sister Amy are sent out on a mission given to them by their Commander Aizen. Their mission takes place in the Meadows Deep, where Ami comes across the Gorging Bulbous Plant and finds a chilling sight upon returning home in the Highcliffs.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 2 Cursed Bloodline
-Ami finds out about her family's curse as Amy tells her a story of her first brush with death. Her story takes place in the Flooded Marsh as a run in with a dinosaur like creature, named the Gradrogon, splits up Amy and Aizen, leaving her alone to her fate. Ami takes in this story, with a new revelation.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 3 Mission Awry
-Aizen takes Ami out for a training mission to help her with the upcoming Junior Scout Test. Learning about the plants and creatures in the Suspended Jungles, Ami comes across a familiar creature that gives the two of them trouble.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 4 Junior Scout Test
-The Junior Scout Test is here and Ami prepares for the worst possible outcome. During the test, Ami meets a new 'friend' by the name of Nezumi, who comes from an infamous group in the Wild Scouts. Alongside that, the test has been interrupted by a creature known as the Jungle Siren.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 5 The Curse's Origin
-Ami and Amy's grandmother Aurora talks more about their curse, as well as the origin of said curse. A story is told, from long ago about an Ancestor and a group of cultists seeking immortality. With Aurora's life coming to an end, she instills hope into Ami, about the fate of her mother.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 6 Mysterious Savior
-Ami sets out into the Damped Overgrowth in hopes of finding her thought to be dead mother. As she struggles with the wildlife, Ami is greeted by a female Brazeel. During her encounter, Ami comes across a strange woman who looked rather familiar to her.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 7 Forbidden Lust
-A new friend is made as Ami is followed by the Brazeel on her continued search for her mother. However, distractions occur as Ami gives into a rather peculiar desire. On top of that, a run in with a skeptical and suspicious Nezumi leaves Ami shaken as the two have a 'friendly' conversation.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 8 Sisters Mission
-A plan is made to dispose of the Gorging Bulbous Plant, but in order to do that, it's nest must be found. Tasked with finding the nest, Ami and Amy goes off into the Meadows Deep once more, only to run into another strange plant.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 9 Surprise Ambush
-Ambushed by the Gorging Bulbous Plant, Ami and Amy are left in a panic, dealing with the massive plant creature. However, all hope is not lost as an old friend comes to their rescue just in the nick of time to fight the Gorging Bulbous Plant.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 10 Tormented Backup
-Aizen's group is tasked to help out one of the most infamous groups in the Wild Scouts. Heading into the Radiant Ravines, Aizen, Jargon, Amy and Ami, help out Scuz's group with the Gradrogon problem. Their group consisted of Nezumi, Mabel and Kenneth, three interesting Scouts with their own issues.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 11 Uneasy Alliance
-Fallen into the deep ravines of the lands, Nezumi and Ami finds themselves working together to get out of the Vitalious Oasis. But with tensions high and one navel assaulted many times, their temporary alliance would soon be put to the test.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 12 Continued Search
-Heading back out into the Damped Overgrowth, Ami continues her search for her mother, only this time a plucky pink haired pigtailed girl stalks her search. Unknowing of Mabel tailing her, Ami continues her search, as Mabel gets a hot show in return.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 13 Motherly Madness
-Ami finally finds her mother. Living in a house suspended above a sea of tentacles. However, all is not how it seems as her mother, Angela appeared to come off as a bit odd. A dark secret is found out and a vague statement is claimed as Ami completes her goal, yet finds a new one.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 14 Secret's Out
-Ami and Amy's secret is out as Aizen, Jargon and even Scuz's group is made aware of it. Confirming this, Jamie, the Wild Scout's doctor and mortician compares bodies. While Scuz offers up a mission Ami can't refuse. The destruction of the Gradrogon.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 15 Forceful Exploitation
-Ami is fired from the Wild Scouts by Aizen in order to preserve her mental health. Finding out about the news, Scuz's group commits a vile act in order to acquire a very valuable asset to help out his group at their hidden cabin located in the Heavy Grove.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 16 Siren Bait
-Heading into the Golden Plains, Scuz's group alongside Ami sets out to deal with the Jungle Siren. A bit of Scuz's past is clued in as Ami seems to be the only one who seems to care about taking an interest in it, as well as Scuz's own wellbeing.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 17 Continuous Indulgence
-Ami is forced to deal with Mabel's advances as the poor girl is constantly being thrown upon by the pink haired lady. Aside from that, Ami reveals her intentions for sticking with their group and is given more insight into Scuz's past.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 18 The Chimera
-Ami, Mabel and Nezumi are tasked to deal with a new threat within the Heavy Grove. However, this strange creature gives them problems as no matter what they did, the creature would instantly heal it's wounds back up. Ami recalls a story Scuz told to her, about his group and the passing of Ami's mother and father.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 19 Unknown Threat
-Far from the hidden cabin, Ami, Mabel and Nezumi finds themselves naked and defenseless to the elements. Trying to survive out in these unfamiliar parts of the Heavy Grove, the girls come across a rather intimidating figure, with strange otherworldly powers.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 20 Ancestral Plans
-Ami has been captured by this woman who claims to be her Ancestor, revealing that she can put an end to their curse. Suspicious, Ami refuses the Ancestor's plan and returns to her friends and Scuz's group fighting. Calling upon Jamie, who has claimed to have some knowledge about the cult, the group tries to uncover the Ancestor's plans.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 21 Total Extinction
-The start to building a super weapon to destroy the Chimera is underway, while Ami and Amy goes to uncover the Ancestor's plans and Jamie translates an old book he had in his possession. A dark truth is then revealed about what lies inside the core of Eris as well as the Ancestor's true intentions to end the curse.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 22 Complete Obliteration
-The plan to destroy the Chimera is underway as the large group sets out into the Heavy Grove to destroy it. With one shot to get this right, the group puts everything on the line to save Eris from total destruction. However a tragic fate falls upon one of the members as a new leaf was just about to be turned.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 23 Final Confrontation
-The Ancestor puts her back up plan into action, as Mabel, Nezumi and Amy fights off this powerful immortal woman to save Ami. But with her strength high and her desperation even higher, nearing their end, an unlikely savior comes to aid them in their final fight.

Adventurous Ami - Episode 24 Ultimate Sacrifice
-The final fight begins, as the entire group puts their combat skills to the test against the unhinged Ancestor. With hope fading and despair setting in Ami must make one of the most important decisions in her life to put an end to her insane Ancestor, once and for all.