Billing cycle to remain paused.

My work is no longer available on pixiv or other social media platforms. My drive has also been closed.

A new drive will be made in the coming months with all the old material and include new stuff, too, particularly that irksome doll set I've started and deleted a hundred times, and about 25-30 rough sketches.

For some time, my work will be available only to those who have already subscribed (although the desperate can probably find some of it on pirate sites, or reposts.) You won't be billed. Patreon (and to a lesser extent subscribestar's) billing suspension cycle is somewhat confusing, but I'll do what I can to make sure you don't get charged accidentally.

Guess it's an exclusive, free club now for those who got their foot in the door early. Congrats.  Hope you enjoy the new set when it's ready.