Happy New Year! What To Expect For 2024 [Update]

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a good night last night ringing in 2024! I can honestly say New Years Eve is one of my favourite days (I'm not biased with it being my birthday..I promise xD) I spent the day just hanging out at home, doing some sketching (gotta embrace it when the inspiration hits!) and then heading over to a friends place in the evening for a gettogether we usual do annually on New Years Eve (: Got home late, and stayed up even later so I'm only JUST getting around to working now and it's...3pm LOL. Nice start to 2024 xD

Staying The Same

I wanted to give you all a little run down on what to expect with my Patreon and SubscribeStar pages this year. For the most part, everything's staying as is. My pages have and always will be a place to post work in progress sketches/screenshots/etc. I normally only share with clients. So that's always going to be the majority of what you'll see here. We're still going to be doing the monthly sponsored pinup illustrations. Those are probably my fav things to do each month cause it allows me to draw fanart, especially of characters I normally don't get the opportunity to draw on my own time! Sketch rewards will still be given out, 2 each month. Just going to be working on getting those out in a more timely manner. And of course our Discord is still going strong! I love popping in there to chat with you all and see what you're up to (: It's a very chill spot, and if you haven't joined it already, you totally should!!


UK SHIPPING! Woohoo! A few months ago I applied for a VAT license so I can officially start selling to folks out in the UK. I did this more so for shop sales, but I'll now be able to invoice for commissions properly through Square just like I do with the rest of my clients (no more making a custom product listing on itchio (which would cover the VAT fees) in order to take on a UK based commission lol). I received the license number earlier in December, so now that it's January, this means that starting today the NUB CLUB print tier will be accessible to UK clients! Please make sure to read the tiers description before joining; a bit extra will need to be added to cover VAT fees.

Considering Changing?

Sketch streams. How are we feeling about them being private? I really like the intimacy of a smaller crowd, plus it's easier for me to manage on my own without the need of mods. But I do sometimes miss the bigger crowds which resulted in variety in sketch ideas/characters/and audience. Back when I was doing them weekly I did notice sometimes we had to cut streams short due to having only a small handful of requests coming in. I'd like to bring streams back as a weekly event but only if we can guarantee enough requests would be coming in to keep the session going! If we do decide to go public with them, I'd love to offer first dibs to patrons on a slot (and then the rest raffled out as usual) just so it doesn't feel like I'd be taking benefits away from you guys. I'd love to hear your thoughts before I solidify any changes to streams! 

That's about all I can think of right now! I ultimately just want to keep drawing as much as I can this year and share as much of that with you all too! I've got some project plans for the year I'm excited to reveal soon, but for now I'm just going to work with what we've got going and keep improving on it! If any of you have any feedback for me, please feel free to share your thoughts below! If there's stuff you want to see added/changed/removed, don't hesitate to share! I appreciate any and all feedback!

Looking forward to what 2024 brings! Thanks for sticking around with me here <3