Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 8

He cut out

Still in the thrill of orgasm and with his mind fogged, he looked down at her. Ms. Briant was now lying on her back with her legs spread apart and her feet touching. He saw that the insides of her thighs were shimmering slightly, as his gaze traveled further up, John could see how much her labia were glistening with moisture. That was not all. They also looked quite large and swollen. Slowly, but surely, he regained control of his thoughts and his brain took over again. His imagination ran away with him, but he was too exhausted at the moment.
"I ... I think I ... have to ..." he babbled. Mrs. Briant giggled mischievously and slid her hands over her stomach to her most intimate area. Her fingertip slid down her slit once and then up again. John watched her intently. It wasn't the first time he'd watched a woman pleasuring herself, but it was the first time he'd been in the same room with one. His eyes rested on her fingers, which were in the upper part of her vagina, moving slowly in a circular motion. He heard a soft moan from her and looked up at her. Her eyes were closed, and she had rested her head on the floor. When his gaze wandered back to her hand, he saw the second hand moving up. While she continued to massage her clit, her other hand began to massage her breasts in turn. Her hand slowly became faster and moved a little further down. She stroked her finger between her lips again. As soon as her finger had found the entrance, she slowly pushed it in. Once again she moaned, this time louder, and her movements became faster and faster. John's cock was already stirring and filling with blood again. His tongue slid over his lips, and he wondered if he shouldn't have sex for the first time. After all, she was formally offering herself to him and surely wouldn't object. Her moans became more intense again, and she was now using two fingers to satisfy herself.
"Do you like...what you see?" she asked him, moaning, "How...your teacher...satisfies...herself...and...is...about...to...to"
This was what it looked like when a woman was really close to cumming, it looked different from the porn he had seen. Her cheeks were flushed, her face contorted with lust, and her breathing was labored. She was making high-pitched squeaking noises, and her hand was moving even faster. A loud, shaky moan left her throat. At the same time, her body trembled, and he could see her cunt closing around her fingers as she pushed them deep inside her. Then she lay still and breathed in and out deeply and slowly.
"Damn ... that ... was good," she breathed softly, "And did you like the show?"
He had watched petrified with enthusiasm and felt like he was in a dream world. He would have loved to jump her right now and felt able to do so, but he bit his lip to pull himself back and not simply give in to his own lust. It took him a while to really realize what she had said, and he looked at her questioning face before nodding. He had a big grin on his face as he did so.
"Oh yes, I liked that ... a lot ... we can do that again," he replied and underlined it with another nod. She looked at him, smiling and agreeing. John knew he could always get her to repeat it, but if he was going to repeat it, it would probably be at home with him or her. It occurred to him that he knew next to nothing about her. But that was something he could change. However, he first undid the changes he had made, shrinking her breasts back to their original size and returning her lips to their original shape.
He thought it was a bit of a shame, but it would raise many questions if he didn't. There were enough stories about people with superpowers who were then hunted down by the government. That was something he wanted to put off as long as possible. Now the original Mrs. Briant was lying in front of him again. She had now turned onto her stomach and towards him, and was looking at him kindly. John quite liked that. It was a good time to change a few more things.
"Then I'm relieved," she replied and started giggling like a schoolgirl.
John started to ask her a few personal questions and found out that her first name was Brianna, she was 29 years old and lived alone. Her apartment was in the city center. She rarely saw her family, as they had moved away a few years ago to enjoy their retirement. So all in all, she was free of obligations, apart from her circle of friends. John would certainly find a few opportunities to have fun with her, though.
"You should get dressed again now," he suggested to her. However, he allowed himself one more joke to make her stop wearing underwear. He made sure it started to itch when she wore underwear. The itching should start immediately, just a little at first and then more and more. Otherwise, he anchored the idea that she would resist not wearing underwear and could only talk to him about it. After all, he wanted to see the struggle it caused in her.
She nodded and gathered her things, which were scattered around the room. She gradually got dressed, and he could see the look of surprise on her face as she pulled her panties on. Furthermore, she picked up her bra and put it on as well before putting on the rest of her clothes. John could see a few stains appear on her white blouse as she touched her skin, obviously not all of his cum had dried yet. A smirk crossed his face and he grabbed his backpack as soon as she was dressed. The two of them walked to the door together and said goodbye to each other.

Chapter 9 Home at last

Chapter overview