Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 3

Off to Class

It didn't take very long for John to walk through the school building and arrive in his class. His stay in the infirmary hadn't taken too long, but he was now 20 minutes late. At least he had an excuse that he could present and that was credible.
"You're late, Mr. Wilson! Again!" he heard his teacher, Mrs. Briant, give him a stern look that allowed no argument. When he opened his mouth to explain why he was late, she immediately raised her hand to keep him quiet.
"We'll talk after class. Now take your seat," she said, pointing to the last empty seat in the back corner.
Ms. Briant was a young teacher who had only been hired a year ago. She taught English and PE. Her height of 1.85 m was the first thing one noticed. She usually wore suit trousers with a matching blouse and a blazer that neither hid nor emphasized her figure.
In gym class, she usually wore shorts and a tighter shirt, which turned most male students' heads.
After a soft sigh, Johnwalked to the seat she was pointing at, most of his classmates looking at him with amusement. Once John was in his seat, he realized with annoyance that he was sitting next to Lars Johnson. The most popular guy in school, even the teachers loved him. He also got away with pretty much everything without being resented, and John couldn't figure out why. Normally, he also tried to avoid Lars, partly because Lars had chosen him as his victim. It was the same this time, Johnhadn't even sat down properly when he got a line from him.
"You must have been scared to come back to school," Lars whispered, laughing softly, while Mrs. Briant turned to the blackboard and started writing something while informing the class about the plan for the year. John ignored Lars, not wanting any more trouble.
"Well, how were your vacations, did you spend time with your father... oh, forget it, even in his eyes you're so worthless that he won't make time for you! Who would bother with ....," Lars continued to whisper until John's patience snapped, and he stood up abruptly. Without saying a word, John took a swing and hit him straight away. He couldn't say what had caused it; normally it was easier for him to ignore such statements and let Lars' words fall flat. But today, for some reason, he was unable to do so.
The whole class had turned to look at the two of them when Lars went down, having cried out in surprise. Even he seemed to have been surprised by the reaction.
"What do you want from me, I didn't do anything to you," Lars lied, looking up at John while holding his cheek.
"You... you..." John stammered, but was immediately interrupted by Mrs. Briant with a sharp tone.
"You're going to see Mrs. Osbourn right now!" she shouted across the room. John turned to her and raised his hands in defense.
"But... I..."
"Not another word, GET OUT," she repeated herself and quickly wrote a note, which she then held out to him. After an inward roll of his eyes, he grabbed his bag, gave Lars a dirty look and wished he'd wet his pants. Lars' facial expressions twisted, and he looked down at himself in surprise. John followed the look and saw that Lars really had wet his pants. Only now did the ring come back into his head, and he briefly considered whether he should use it to save himself.
NOW LEAVE THE ROOM IMMEDIATELY!" Mrs. Briant shouted again.

Chapter 4 He follows the Order

Chapter overview