
Well, it's been longer than I had hoped since the last update on progress. Sometimes I think I'll never get anything done in my life.

In January I wasted production time getting Daz to work on Linux under WINE. In particular to get hardware accellerated Iray rendering going on my RTX 4000. It took a couple of tries, but in the end I even got 'Smart Content 'to work with a Postgres DB backend installed on the Linux side of things. Pretty cool.

Since Febuary I've been banging my head on the visuals. I'm trying to find a style I like for the GUI and the various intro and menu screens. I've tried grungy looks, daemonic looks, hellfire looks, clean looks... frustratingly, none of the results made me happy. I also did some more renders which haven't made me happy either. So I've resorted to installing all sorts of Daz assets trying to jumpstart the creative juices and get things moving again. At least I've managed to do some more writing, which is something.

I guess VN creators all have their crosses to bear, especially those who work in solitude. Mine would be the "getting on with it". All I can say is that I'm in awe of creators like Talothral who seem to be able to churn out decent episodes like clockwork.