
All right, since there doesn't seem to be an easy way to get to tags at the moment, or search, I'm going to go ahead and make a little directory of links here.

Also, I finally figured out how to make preview posts, so that the full text isn't showing in the feed for every post, which should make navigating a little easier. It will also open the post's page, which is where you need to go in order to comment. Unfortunately, the way it works, I can't go back and edit my older posts to add that in, so I'd have to re-post all of them, and I'd rather not deluge all of your inboxes by doing that, so everything before this point in the feed will still be in the older, messier format. I am re-doing this post, however, since I have it pinned to the top of the feed.

Discord server.

Backup site. No new content other than what I have on here, so no need to subscribe to both. Just a backup to be safe.

Archive of completed captions, short stories, and CYOAs from Patreon.

Archive of completed full-length stories from Patreon (for $5 and up Subscribers only).

Directory of completed stories on this page, to keep this post a little cleaner.

This month's welcome message and Community Story suggestions thread (only open until the 11th).

This month's Community Story poll (open from the 11th through the 22nd, for $5 and up Subscribers only).

Stories (For $5 and up Subscribers only):

Juniper and the Doll. Juniper isn't happy about the new doll line her company is considering, but once she sees the first sample, something about it makes her a little too curious...

The Hardest Thing. Wonder Woman is told that in every other dimension she winds up in diapers, and tries to prove that theory wrong.

Holly & Elizabeth. A sequel to my older mistaken-identity story Laura & Holly. Ten years after winding up as Nanny's permanent baby, Holly has a chance to try to prove that she's worthy of becoming an adult again. But will she be able to do it?

Victoria's Secret. Victoria gets into some trouble at the end of the year at college, and her parents decide to hire some babysitters for her. Unfortunately, they're a pair of girls who she bullied quite badly when she babysat them when she was younger, and it seems they're ready for revenge.

The Experiment. Kaelyn has been stealing Reyna's ideas for years. This time, she has a little accident, and has nobody to help her out except for Reyna, so she can only hope she isn't too upset about all those other times...

Short Stories:

The Power of Advertising. Margo develops a sudden bedwetting problem, but luckily for her, her mother has seen the perfect solution to her problem in an ad already. Unfortunately for Margo, the ads keep encouraging her mother to take things further and further...

The Competition. Janine's step-mother convinces her to go babysit at the remote house of a strange woman, but when she arrives, there's already another young woman there who claims to have been hired to babysit for the night. Unfortunately for both of them, their client has some strange ideas for how to determine which of them is the true babysitter...

Kidnapped. Marcia is forced to work late, and gets caught snooping around where she doesn't belong. What lengths will be taken to keep her from telling anyone what she overheard?

Sebastian's Flight/Sebby's New Life. Diaper Dimension. Sebastian is flying out to meet his online girlfriend for the first time, but flying alone isn't always the safest thing for littles to do.

Nichole's Adoption. Nicole gets mistaken for a runaway student and taken off to boarding school, and the only way for her to escape is for her friends to adopt her. Unfortunately, a strict social worker comes along with the deal to make sure she acts her age.

Derrick's Awakening. Derrick finds a diaper at his friend's house and decides to give it a try, awakening a desire within himself he had no idea was in there, waiting.

Ashley's New Boss. Ashley goes on a job interview and discovers her new boss will be her ex- girlfriend, who had wanted so badly to get her to try diapers while they were dating... And that this new job has some strict rules about when the employees are allowed to go on their bathroom breaks.

The Wedding. Diaper Dimension. Ella and her bratty 'sisters' are taken to an Amazon wedding, where Ella will do her best to maintain her status as a good girl, while her sisters are determined to get her in trouble.

The Nurse's Revenge. A sequel to some old captions of mine, found here and here. Ms. Evans has a plan to escape her Mommy, but will it work? And will she decide to take her former students along with her?

Total Eclipse. Malory picks on her little sister, Cassi, quite a bit for being immature, but when things begin to change for them, will she discover that she's just as immature as her sister... Or even more-so?

Emma's Camp Mix-Up. Emma reluctantly agrees to be a camp counselor at the last minute with her best friend, Kelley. When Kelley gets called off to work at another camp before she can introduce Emma to anyone at camp, however, things get a bit messy, especially when it turns out there was another Emma who was supposed to be at the camp, this one a camper.

Barbie's Unfortunate Adventures. A series of stories about a young woman named Barbara who is hired to babysit a set of twins who decide that they are too old to need a sitter... And that Barbie is too little to be one. Includes The Hunt, The Party, and The Affair.


The Exchange Student. Anna goes to a different country as part of a student exchange program, and decides to take full advantage of her anonymity by indulging in some diaper fantasies she'd never have the guts to try at home.


eBooks (For $5 and up Subscribers only):

The Bridezilla. All Darcy wants is the perfect wedding... That isn't so unreasonable, is it? Neither is getting upset when one of her bridesmaids gives her a diaper as a gift during her bachelorette party. Unfortunately for her, things just keep getting worse from there. Will she be able to get back control of her life, and her wedding, before the big day? Includes the original story and two short sequel stories.

Summer's Vacation. Summer, a former cheerleader, gets stuck babysitting her adopted little sister during spring break. When her sister breaks the window of their creepy neighbor, Summer winds up under the effects of a curse that seems determined to erase every trace of her adult life to turn her into an overgrown toddler. Can she break the curse, or will she be the one getting babysat by the end of spring break?

Valerie's Education. Ten years after her sister's regression, Valerie is getting ready to graduate from high school. But things quickly take a turn for the strange and this former star pupil begins a quick descent backwards through school. Will she be able to stop herself before she winds up back in preschool... And diapers?! Includes sequel story Valerie's Birthday.

Barbie's Unfortunate Adventures. A series of stories about a young woman named Barbara who is hired to babysit a set of twins who decide that they are too old to need a sitter... And that Barbie is too little to be one. Updated edition containing The Hunt, The Party, and The Affair.