Heya! I’m Riddlr, your friendly neighborhood artist.

If you’re here you’ve probably seen at least one of my comics which still blows my mind that others enjoy them as much as I do. So, if you’d like behind-the-scenes access to my future projects, see early concept sketches, character designs, and help to make decisions on where we steer this ship, you’re in the right place.

Subscribing helps give me the time to be able to work on, and produce higher quality comics. I’ve got a few tiers with different rewards, I'd really appreciate any support!

~ ~ ~ Current Projects! ~ ~ ~

StarKnights: (27 pages) [Public Humiliation, Omorashi, Diapers, ABDL]
A romp through childhood theme park nostalgia, social anxiety, and one furs terribly small bladder! In StarKnights we follow our titular protagonist, Jasper, who has finally gotten the chance to ride his favorite roller coaster of all time. Link to Sketched Version

Completed Page Posted Every Monday!
Finished Pages

~~~ Hiatus & Previous Projects ~~~

Universery: (49+ pages) [Mostly SFW, Friendship, Romance, ABDL]
Lily is heading off to college! To the mysterious "Cavalier Universery" even though she hadn't actually visited the College before she had to start. But how bad could that be? At least her roommate seems nice, but what's with all the weird entrance questions, and is that guy wearing a diaper!? At least she'll still able to pursue their nursing degree, right.. Right?
Link to Ch1