Hey everyone,

Since I have been working on Sheroni Girls for a while now and december is a pretty short month for me I decided to get some work on my sleepover game done.

I'm currently working on the truth or dare game part of the story. This is probably going to be the most complex and biggest game (within the game) that will change a lot of events that will come after it.

To give you a quick insight how the game is supposed to work:
At the start of each turn an npc[1] takes a random name from the bucket and then the npc[2] that gets picked can choose between truth or dare (the drunker the npc[2] the more likely they will pick a dare).
Let's say npc[2] says truth. Then npc[1] will choose a random question from a list of different questions. And npc[2] will either answer it or take a shot of alcohol. If they answer it will depend on how drunk they are as well as on some other things. 
After that is done the next turn will start and another npc (or you) can pick a random name.

Now let's say I will add 10 different question and 10 different dares the npc's and you can pick from.  Having a total of 9 players means I will need 90 different answers (+ different variations depending on stats) and at least another 45 dares (because dares most of the time involve two people, so it's halved).

Which means it's a lot of work and pretty complex, on top of that I also have to program everything so everything works like it is supposed to be and make npc's react differently depending on their lust and drunk stat.

So right now I'm working on getting the base framework for the truth or dare game done, once it's done I will upload a new alpha update so you can get a first view on what it's supposed to look like. After that I will keep expanding the game with more unique features for each npc so it doesn't end up being too generic.

But it will most likely only get done early next year, so don't expect it to come out in the next few weeks.

That's all for this progress update, see you all next time~