Three Days to Port update!

So! as I mentioned before, I was hoping to get the update done before I moved! Alas, this update was more ambitious than I could complete in the time I had available before the move.

THAT SAID, I have now moved. Things are still a little chaotic in my life at the moment, but I have started work back up on the update, and it will be out before the end of this month. Some parts of it might be a little too ambitious for quest, but I think you will like what I am making.

After this update I have some things I want to try to change about my process, as it's not very sustainable or consistent. Need to plan things out better and all that. I have some good ideas of what I need to do though, and I have a pretty solid target schedule I want to try to work with!

Thank you all so much for your patience with the lack of updates! I'm back to work on it now~ See you in the next update~