
This page is for the erotica writings of me, Dex O'Donald, where you will find exclusive stories you cannot get anywhere else! In addition, I am frequently writing comix and other naughty images for your enjoyment, and based on your subscription tier you can view all of these!
 I feature artists such as: Tab109, PetiteMaudite, JookerV, Illustravitor, Pallandoxxx, EddyK, and many more!
 Please use the tags below posts to navigate to find more of what you like! Like comix? Click the tag to see them all. Here for erotica? Click the tag! Like everything? Just scroll! I also have specific series listed by tag.
 I love to hear from you guys, so please feel free to like, comment, or DM. My commission waitlist is always open for subs!
 - Love Dex

All work on this page are the intellectual property of the original artist. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or sharing of these works, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please respect the artist's rights and refrain from sharing any content without explicit written permission from the artist.