Hello dear members of my little community :)
Here is Dolyla.
Episode 2 is finished and a lot of tweaks have been made in the game, I won't enter into all the details but I can give you some informations about what's coming for the Steam release in January !
First the Global Interface has been improved with a new main page : 
then the scene replayer page and the saves page has been updated too !
As you can see Episode 2 is now ready to go ! But we need some adjustements about the EXTRA features we will add in episode in episode 1 and episode 2 so... 8 weeks before the release !
Steam Success has been added successfully too, and we are about 5000 wishlists before the release ! That's amazing !
Now about Episode 3:
We will make Episode 3 about a main event that's been announced during the episode 2. It will be our first free roam but it will play by hours.
I explain : 
The event has a time duration of 6 hours, during these 6 hours there will have some activities available and others not depending of the hour.
For example, you will have the opportunity to play Twister game with the girls during an hour or going play poker with Emerick or hide in the bathroom with Blue.... You will have to choose what you want to do during these hour, and some activities can spend more than an hour...
That way you play the event like you want, with the characters you want and you have choices everytime during the event.
There will have some Lewd content during the event, and some romantics ones... but we really think the better will be the funny ones... made by Ruby of course !
Additionnaly we have added a poll on Patreon about the next hairstyle of Julia !
Julia original version :
Julia New version :
We wants to know if you like her like she is now or if you prefer come back to the original version... Or if you let her change her hair style again like every major update :) !!!!
SO now you can vote and your vote will have some consequence for episode 3 !
Well I will give you some more informations about EXTRA content next time... Until then... Have a nice day !
Maybe a spoiler ?
Don't know if you deserve it...
Oh wait ! Another one !
Sweet dreams !!!!