Pony Girl World 5

the enslavement of ponygirls has become a popular pastime among the wealthy elite. These unfortunate creatures are captured by slave traders who sell them to wealthy owners who use them as laborers or for their sexual pleasure.

However, the wealthy elite has its obsession with ponygirl slavery combined with extreme sports competitions. Ponygirl slaves are trained to compete in various physically challenging events such as horse racing, soccer, swimming, running, and more.

The races are particularly exciting, with ponygirl slaves racing against each other and sometimes even against real horses. The crowds gather to watch these spectacles, enjoying the sight of these beautiful creatures performing demanding tasks.

Despite their difficult circumstances, the ponygirl slaves form close bonds with one another. In rare times of not wearing the gag they share stories about their lives before being captured and physically comfort each other during times of distress. Some even fall in love with one another, empathy which is exploited by their masters, However, they cannot help but express their feelings through secret kisses and caresses until caught and put on display for enjoyment.

Overall, life for the ponygirl slaves is filled with hardship and suffering. But despite their oppression, they manage to find small moments of joy and companionship within each other's company. And while the extreme sports competitions may seem like entertainment for the wealthy elite, they also serve as a reminder of the brutal reality of life for all ponygirls.