Pony Girl World 3

In the sprawling metropolis, the lives of Pony Girls are as varied as the roles they serve. Beyond the streets where carts and carriages are pulled, lies the intricacies of a society built on their service.

Pony training centers dot the city, where they're broken emotionally and built physically. How they ended up there matters not as they all undergo painful lessons in obedience, speed, mental fortitude, and endurance. Each school has its own specialty; from the rhythmic dances of the Moonlit Hooves Academy to the racing championships at Sunflare Sprinters.

Downtown, the Pony Parade is the most awaited monthly spectacle. Here, yoked ponies showcase their training, prancing through streets and alleys adorned with restraints and accessories made to highlight their toned bodies.

For those who misstep or rebel against the strict norms, the Correction Stables await. Here, they face trainers specializing in discipline. Yet, even in these shadows, love is born out of shared trauma as the ponies begin to depend on each other for comfort and affection.

By night, gatherings known as "Moonlit Meadows" are hosted by the elite. Pony Girls are forced perform elaborate exhaustive dances under the moon and inclement weather until long after sunrise, a blend of art and ritual.

In this world, every alley and corner, every whisper and teary eyed gaze, holds a story. Some tales are of sorrow, others of resilience, but all are threads weaving the vast tapestry of the Pony Girls' existence.