Idol Island v0.05a Patreon Release

Aaand it's out. What the hell took me so long? Seriously. If you guys see any bugs ๐Ÿ›, please send me a message here on patreon or on discord!
  • Finished Day 2 (and mostly Night 2) events.
  • Added the fundamental affection increase mechanic, the Night Judgement.
  • Added "session 0" for Eve's affection, paving the way for her route in later updates.
  • Fixed around 2.2k voice files and added around 400 new ones.
  • Made a lot of back end changes that will make future releases much less cumbersome.
What's next:
With this release done, I have a mountain of things I want to do, and it's kind of hard to know what to prioritize. As you guys know, I'll be working on another Idol Island update after this, followed by a Time Implosion update. I'm trying to take the shortest path I can to start Eve's route because of the poll, but even the shortest path is pretty long.
Inevitably, I want the mechanics in place as fast as possible. Until they're all there, forcing events to be accessible will just divorce them from the mechanics. For example, imagine that there is an event where you can have sex with one of the characters, and the scene is affectionate and sweet, but in the story you haven't yet done the things that built up that moment? The scene will fall flat because it will be missing the necessary context. That's why I'm going to take the time to do things right.
Here's things I'm sure I'm working on at some point or another.
  • At least 9 training sessions for each girl.
  • At least 3, but likely more affection events for each girl.
  • Way more varied forest encounters, including island "lore" stuff, special items, survival events and different combat encounters.
  • Management mechanics. Having girls building different things, manning stations that help life on the island. Each girl should have a routine the player gets to decide on.
Usually after release I'd take a couple of days to relax and see if anyone found bugs in the code and fix them, but this time I'll go straight back to work on new stuff. I want to fix the character screen on camp, I want a better training screen which is built-in the character screen, rather than being a separate thing. I want to balance the combat and survival aspects of the game. I want the player to be able to play indefinitely if they so wish, even if there isn't much variety in combat or if the gameplay loop is going to be repetitive for now. I'll be working on these today, and probably throughout the week.
Afterwards, I'll work on the story. I'm not planning on doing a "Day 3" for now. Instead, there will be events that get triggered during gameplay. Finally, I want to start work on the management gameplay mechanics. One of the events I have planned relies on that being in place. So that's the plan for the next release. Depending on how much work I get done, I'll name that release v0.06 or v0.07.
As always, I'll keep you guys updated as to what I'm doing. I'll bring back image previews for the next progress report onward.
Love you guys!
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