October Commission Winner

and Subscriber exclusive content
Firstly, the winner of October's free commission is Rodderick, so congrats there, I'll be in touch.
However, going forward, I'll be including a list of all the content I've posted that is still exclusive to my subscribers so it is easier for new subscribers to find what they are owed.  Dates before the title are when they were posted and dates after the title are the planned public release dates.  Hope this helps :D

Current Monthly Commission Winner: A Little Crazy on the Inside [2023/11/07]
Current Monthly Poll Story Winner: The Unknown School Mystery [2023/11/14]
Extra Halloween Story: A Witch’s Trial: Fear and Games Parts 2, 3, and 4 [2023/11/30]

(2023/01/28) Naruto Unkoden Parts 1 and 2 [????/??/??]
(2023/03/09) You Are (Not) Too Big Parts 1 and 2 [????/??/??]
(2023/06/11) Skitter: 0.1 - Lost [????/??/??]
(2023/06/26) Beyond the Bowel-dary [????/??/??]

Other Stories:
(2022/07/16) Annalee's Reawakening [Never]
(2022/07/16) Annalee Taking Charge [Never]
(2022/08/10) Denise's Teachings [Never]

(2022/09/16) Abbey's Tummy Troubles [Never]
(2022/09/16) Blue Balled [Never]

Deleted Scenes:
(2020/07/22) A Little Hextra Love [Never]
(2020/08/20) Man of the Houses [Never]
(2020/10/03) Walking on the Moon [Never]
(2021/03/15) Attention Grabbing [Never]
(2021/08/28) Humanity’s Calling [Never]
(2021/12/23) Fallen to an Angel [Never]
(2022/01/15) A.S.S. to Ass [Never]
(2022/02/20) Master Jacked [Never]
(2022/09/13) Hope in the Dark [Never]
(2022/12/25) A Little Naughty [Never]
(2023/10/24) A Witch’s Trial [Never]

Published Stories ($10 Subscribers):