A Witch's Trial [A Halloween Special]

With the spooky holiday fast approaching, and no sign of the usual nonsense that resident, self-profess idol, Elizabeth Báthory, typically gets involved with, someone else wants to take the reigns and make a festive celebration.  With her Master's blessing and permission from Chaldea's Director, Abigail Williams intends to make it a fun, spooky, safe night to remember...

So, I had originally planned to write and release this last year, during the unexplained gap between Halloween events, but then I got too busy and I knew if I didn't get it out this year, I'd lose all motivation to write it at all.  And I didn't want that, so here we are with an extra story for the month of October!

All in all, this is one of my longer stories, clocking in at just over 20k words (plus a deleted scene!), so I've broken it up into several parts to make it more digestible.  The first part will act as the preview for the rest of the story, and while I don't know how long I'll wait between the other parts, I will post at least one per week until they are all up.