Public Update πŸ“‘

Hey lover! πŸ˜πŸ’‹πŸ’–πŸ˜»πŸ˜˜ First of all, thank you for your continued support! Your care and kindness makes it possible for me to create these adventures for you. Sky Vixen Destiny was a monstrous effort and I'm so happy it brought joy to so many people!Β 
Something you may be wondering... "what the hell took so long?" Fair question. I had to build out some assets and tools in order to produce this new sci-fi porn-adventure movie. But now I have them for use on future movies. In other words, I can make movies faster from now on.

What else?
  • What movie will I make next? YOU decide. I will do a poll soon. Remember, the last poll was amazingly close - Tribute to the Fertility King only lost out by one vote and Little Red's Pink Pussy only lost out by two votes. Voting is vital!
  • It's a week into October, and I've barely done anything Halloweenish πŸŽƒ That makes me sad because I love this time of year, so I'm making a quick Halloween Sex Party video. Think of it as a sequel to the one I did a while back. Will be finished soon for Silver and Gold levels.
  • Your subscriptions help keep porn legal! πŸ—½ I send some of the money to the Free Speech Coalition and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Now add one more to the list: the American Civil Liberties Union is fighting the banking discrimination against adult entrepreneurs. Basically, rich guys are doing some sneaky, evil things to suppress LEGAL adult content and it's not right.
  • I'm scared of the moral panic, which is why I censored this pic for a public post. You can get the uncensored version here: