Pretty much for if you just want to help support me while obtaining small benefits as well! Help show support! Early Access to all of my sketches and WIP's (Besides Succu'Hounds)
Pretty much for if you just want to help support me while obtaining small benefits as well! Help show support! Early Access to all of my sketches and WIP's (Besides Succu'Hounds)
This tier will grant you access to all of the benefits of the previous tier as well as access to: - Early access to all of my pieces - Early access to wips/animation wips - Early access to comic pages a MONTH before they're public! (Besides very short one off comics)
his tier will grant you access to all of the benefits of the previous tier as well as access to: - Even earlier access to comic pages (As well as behind the scenes work and concepts!) a MONTH earlier than the previous tier! - Finished Animations!