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PandaLover profile
Hey. My name is Panda Lover. I'm a fan of adult visual novelsI create a visual novel of a new model, with a Blackjack and traps!Make adult visual novels great again!

Subscription Tiers

per month

Toss a coin to your favourite game!

31 subscribers
per month

Join to get full access to the content A welcome picture of one of the game's characters of your choice.

64 subscribers SubscribeStar $6.00 tier
per month

All Content My great appreciation! A unique welcome picture with the characters of the game and your ideas(within reason of course)!

24 subscribers Rich
per month
Inner circle

When You realized that with a kind word and twenty dollars, You can help the project more than just a kind word. A unique welcome picture with the characters of the game and your ideas(within reason of course)! Early access to the latest update.

29 subscribers Inner circle
per month
Prince of Stars

A man who knows that money is not the most important thing. Early access to the latest update. A unique welcome picture with the characters of the game and your ideas! One of the first to get the update.

0 subscribers Prince of Stars ; Ex-Prince
per month
King of Stars

A man who makes destinies. (And affects the plot of the game) A unique welcome picture with the characters of the game and your ideas! First to get the update.

0 subscribers King of Stars ; Overthrown king.
per month
Chosen by the stars.

Our destiny is in his hands.

2 subscribers Chosen by the stars.


  • Supporting me will speed up the release of new game chapters and their quality

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.


$1,432 of $3,000
per month
Having collected this amount, I will be able to quit my job and do the project for 5/7 days.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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