Ultimate Supporter - $25/month

As an Ultimate Supporter, you're at the forefront of supporting Virt-A-Mate plugin development, receiving premier access and benefits:

  • Early Plugin Updates: Get the latest plugin bundles first, experiencing new features and enhancements before anyone else.
  • Exclusive Discord Role: Enjoy a special status on our Discord with access to private channels, offering direct lines to the development team and input on project directions.
  • Priority Request Handling: Your plugin requests and suggestions are prioritized, directly influencing the development queue and future updates.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Gain insider access to the creation process, from initial designs to the final product, along with participating in polls that shape our project's future.
  • Acknowledgment: Be recognized in the credits of major releases as a token of our appreciation for your significant support.

Join as an Ultimate Supporter:

Elevate your support and impact, helping us to innovate and enhance the Virt-A-Mate experience with every update. Your contribution is pivotal in bringing ambitious projects to life.