This document is not intended to serve as a legal guidance, but rather a mere outline of our intentions and capabilities, providing our potential and existing customers with friendly advise on the matter of having safe, profitable and pleasant experience with our platform.
We appreciate and respect the First Amendment, freedom of speech and self-expression in general, unless any live victims - willingly or unwillingly - are produced as a result of utilizing these freedoms.
This includes, but is not limited, any computer generated, animated or otherwise artificially built video or still imagery/media, that does not effectively produce any live victims of any gender, age or race and whose participants/characters are unequivocally distinguishable from the real humans.
All content with such 3D/2D animated characters that perform any action, including intercourse, violence, bodily harm, etc. is permitted for being published on platform.
The warning about type of the content and age limitation (i.e. 18+) must be clearly and publicly presented/displayed on the Profile Page of the related content creator and on the published material itself.
For all content marked 18+, and especially for the controversial, containing extreme violence, gore and other borderline content, we would advised creators to use third party hosting/storage providers, while using© just as an announcement and payments/payout tool.
The known 3rd Parties:
Any organisation or individual, who produces a news content - independently from the utilized medium - the topic, essence and a meaningful body of which is not prohibited by the local laws, is permitted for being published on platform.
Any news or discussion materials that include - in any shape or form - hatred toward any social or ethnic group, calls for violence or oppression, racial or gender defamation, will not be published on our platform.
Due to the very nature of the content that includes sexual acts, violence and such, a measured increase in service fees should not come as a surprise to our users. Those fees will be based on the elevated processing fees by the specialized High Risk payments providers imposed on us, as a platform.
The payout cycles may also depend on the nature of the content and disputes rate. In other words, you may request the money received on your account almost immediately or you may be set on the month-to-month schedule. Either way, you get your money.
Nevertheless, we recognize how competitive is the market we operate on, and will keep all fees in check.
We recognize that due to the nature of the content we serve, this is not too unlikely that at one point in the future our platform - as a company or individuals involved in running this company - can be pressurized by the concerned authorities to the point when there are no reasonable ways to run our business on the existing grounds and on the current terms.
In such an event we have strong intentions and possess technical means to seamlessly migrate the whole platform to another one, whose identity shall not be disclosed at this time. All published content will be securely moved at once or step by step with all redirects properly set. This way subscribers will keep the access to the paid content, as before.
This new entity/platform will be operating under the jurisdiction of a less restrictive government, governed by more forbidding laws and will be able to provide its customers with the same functionality as before the migration.
However, due to unknown particular details of this event in the future, we can not guarantee to keep all rates and fees intact, although we will try our best.
Our customers should be aware, that certain scenarios will force us to request some additional info to be provided by our customers, in order to fulfill a corresponding request by payment provider, financial institution or other third parties involved in the running the business.
Although we may or may not use some basic tracking technology, such as "cookies", our platform does not and will not store any private or sensitive information, related to the bank account, home address, SSN/EIN unless provided for tax purposes, clearly stated what is this for and agreed upon by the user.
All such information - in case it was stored - will be deleted immediately once and forever if and when user's account is deleted. p Respecting the privacy of our users, we will use a vague statement on the payouts and invoices, e.g. " payout for December 2019" or "Payment to Starcling, LLC for subscription, December, 2019". The exact verbiage may vary.
Keeping in mind the elevated fraudulent activity around the controversial content we serve, such as thievery, borrowing, compilation, mocking and other unlawful and unethical content misuse, we have to outline our stance on this matter: we strongly oppose any sort of copyright infringement, even in case when the official copyright was not established for a particular piece of content.
We, as a platform, will not allow to publish such content, nor profit from it.
All accounts that violated this rule will be initially locked and, in case that evidences against the account are substantial - terminated permanently with all collected funds indefinitely put on hold.
We also recognize the sentiment that a compiled content does not remove the copyright from the source materials no matter how heavy manipulated they were, effectively rendering any compilation a mere collection of copyrighted materials with all consequences that might follow from this fact.
We have to admitted that we do not possess the capabilities to thoroughly investigate and examine each piece of content posted on the platform. We are not aiming to be the judges, advocates or prosecutors - nor we would like to initiate a witch hunt or a revenge war - we prefer to leave these controlling functions to those who know their stuff as nobody else - to the creators.
Therefore, we invite and encourage all members of this community to maintain a purity of mind, friendly demeanor and an ethical behaviours amongst members in respect to published materials. We suggest to report any suspicious activity or wrongdoing to the Support Team - within or elsewhere, if appropriate. Such reports must be supported by strong evidences, whose weight and value is going to be determined by team and/or invited experts.