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LuridMax profile
Comics & Fine Art - honoring 70's style Italian fumetti ( nudity and lurid gore), 50's pre-code horror (Crime & punishment); R 18. NSFW. Glorifying Idealized female forms; conscionable narratives, original stories and historical fiction..
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Atelier -

Latest weekly studio work. Comicbook pages, covers and illustrations in progress; studies, layouts, concept art and scripts. As well as the Apocrypha, plus fresh new content!

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Gallery -

Archives; inked comics, illustrations. Commissions opportunity (limited) for first 8 members who stay subscribed for 8 months; during a given commission period ( annual).

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Champions -

$30 ( and above). Members have opportunity to suggest content to include in upcoming comics - in proportion to their generosity*. Visual novels. Fan -art. ( * after staying on 8 months). Exclusive bonus content, from the Studio, Apocrypha, and various content in progress ( before anyone else).

0 assinantes
USD mensal

$70 Influence What work gets colored: At this tier, I will a) hire an artist to color the image you choose( the one you choose, is my new detailing/ finishing, inks project) So choose from existing drawings on website or here. [ What I mean is, I will begin 'finishing' , a template, that you choose. And then I can have someone color it.]

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Double Color Finishes

$300, you can Request an image for me to have redrawn by other artists I am collaborating with. Meaning. Any of the images from here or my website, I can arrange to have another professional artist, to create his own drawn version, ( which I supervise his process) and he colors as well. Completing it within 2 weeks to a month, or so. The price basically covers the amount I have to pay the artist, and the time that I communicate to him, and oversee his progress( is free of charge), And, in the process of preparing his reference line work, I ink mine, and color it myself, with ( either prismacolor color pencils, traditional hand painted materials, or digital color).

Essentially giving birth, to 2 brand new, fully detailed, and colored images, from this site, or the website galleries.

I can only do one of these a month. The actual tier price is $300; so this activates, after I either receive a total of $300 ( by monthly subscription, and or, donation). Message me.

Assinatura limitada (0 de 1)
USD mensal
To Digital

$100, I hire another artist to redraw, opne of my hand made drawings, into digital, and color it. From any image, here or my website. You choose the image, ( 1 per month).

ie, if you like the Marc Silvestri template, I will hire an artist that can redraw it into a CSP file ( in their style, or imitating my own), and digitally color it.

The price basically covers a part of the fee for me to hire another artist. Enriching the site, and gallery. A fun idea, to try. 😀 Anytime.

0 assinantes

Bem vinda

  • 20 images per month for $5 subscribers! 20 images per week for $10 Tier. $20 Gallery members: Access to Archive, on third party site*. [ A Subscribe star members website page. With Exclusive templates, variant covers, vintage scans, references and WIP; updated monthly!]
  • *Stay subscribed for 8 months at $20, gain Clandestine Membership = All back-issues: additional Model reference content; animations, videos, and third-party website I will draw a request! (for Clandestine members)

A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


31 dias
 Período de Confiança
318 publicação


to reach
3 year, unlimited domains website hosting; for featuring new, original lurid/pre-code horror, adult and hentai comicbook titles.
$0.00 of $6,000
per month
Hire professional digital painter to create monthly 12 page chapters, featuring my lurid content, including nudity and gore. [ his fee, $500 a month]. I can start posting previews on this feed, and design new comic book stories, to illustrate. As well as fan-art, and nude/anatomy , facial variants. Thanks so much for bringing LuridMax this far. I am amazed! Your continued interest inspires me to create the best art I can. I appreciate you!

Outras Creators


A subscrição dá-lhe:
  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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