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Lostworks profile
Welcome to the Lostworks!This is just a page where you'll be able to access some Visual Novels we release, fer a toidy sum of caurse.


  • You can look but you can't touch!
  • Get access to releases after two weeks!
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Creator Stats

7 posts


to reach
the Goal
When we reach $1000 per month, we will be able to put dedicated support into our graphical Visual Novels and ensure a monthly release for Normal Trade Relations.
to reach
the Goal
When we reach $2500 per month, we will be able to upgrade our equipment and deliver better quality renders for our graphical Visual Novels.
to reach
the Goal
When we reach $4000 per month, we will have enough money to make this a supplementary paycheque and can hire on others to streamline the process for all projects.

Other Creators

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