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Lain Games profile
Lain Games
Lain Games
We're creating the visual novel Little Witch Academy.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Voter Tier
  • Vote in polls related to the development of the game
127 assinantes Tier 1
USD mensal
Supporter Tier
  • Get each update 1 week before the public release
  • Vote in polls related to the development of the game
52 assinantes Tier 2
USD mensal
Early Supporter Tier
  • Get each update 2 weeks before the public release
  • Vote in polls related to the development of the game
2 assinantes Tier 3
USD mensal
Enthusiast Tier

An extra tier for those who want to donate more to help support the game.

  • Get each update 2 weeks before the public release
  • Vote in polls related to the development of the game
0 assinantes Tier 4


  • Access to the latest version of the game.
  • Vote in polls related to the development of the game.
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