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kitsunelegend profile
I'm just a silly fox looking to create a world for everyone to enjoy!

Subscription Tiers

per month
Fox Kits

First tier level! This level gets you early access to all my works one week ahead of everyone else, including any alternate versions as well as any higher res versions that might be available!

Also includes early access to the high res versions of the comic I have planned for the future! As well as any side stories, mini-comics or AMAs of the cast!

Plus, you also get a big fluffy virtual hug from me! -^

0 subscribers
per month
Veteran Fox

Second Tier level, the Veteran Foxes! ;D

Includes all previous rewards, plus the ability to vote on what type of art I get next, as well as background cameos in any comics that happen! Also includes mention in the credits of any comics I get!

0 subscribers
per month
Rowdy Fox!

This tier will get you a spot in any commission work I get!

This includes a semi permanent feature in any comics, with lines and interaction with the main cast. This could be from a simple shop keeper, to an important supporting cast member as well!

This tier also includes spots in two or more character pieces where I need another character. Can be NSFW or SFW! details will be announced when I need a character

This also includes all previous rewards! :)

0 subscribers


  • This subscribestar is meant to help fund art of my characters, and possibly yours, and their world and universe. I've always wanted to share every bit of my ideas with the fandom, and hopefully, this subscribestar page will help fund that goal. But fear not! Nothing will be paywalled at all! I hate paywalling, just as much as everyone else, so anything and everything that gets posted here, WILL be posted to my main galleries, both on FA and on IB! The only difference being that subscribers will get to see artwork one week before its posted anywhere else, plus get to see higher resolution versions if they exist. (not all pictures I get have a higher res version, usually due to the artist's discretion) I hope to be able to share as much about my world as I possibly can, and if anyone would like to join me for the ride, then I'd be GLAD to have you along. :)

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.


to reach
the Goal
If I can get this much per month, I can finally start working on getting the comic up and running! This will be for one fully colored page per month, and will cover the costs of the artist and any additional fees that might show up.
to reach
the Goal
With this much per month, I can start getting two pages of the comic per month! Plus an additional sketch pin-up of any comic characters as well!
to reach
the Goal
I honestly would be amazed to ever get this high, but if I do, I will be forever thankful! It would mean I can do one page of the comic per week! Thats four pages per month! Anything more than this will go towards pin-ups, side stories, mini-comics, or single pieces!

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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