This Tier gets you full access to all sets. You just can't do Requests or Commissions.
This Tier gets you full access to all sets. You just can't do Requests or Commissions.
This Tier gives you the same access as the standard access does however with this one you can make requests as well as commissions. Users get 1 free request a month and 1 commission a month (more depending on my schedule if you want more then 1 just message me and I will see what I can do) . You only get 1 request a month and you don't get to carry over the requests either. 1 request is limited to 4 images with no more then 3 characters. Whatever you want done try to imagine it in 4 images. Any more then 4 images and I will charge it as a commission. Pricing for commissions will be 4 dollars. I will charge more if you want a model or prop I don't have in which case it will be 4 dollars plus the price of the asset. I reserve the right to deny requests and commissions if I feel they cross a line. Example I will not do minors. Once requests and commissions are finished I will publish them for people who are only on this tier to show. If you don't want them to be shown just request it. (Limited number available)