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GreyCoreArt profile
Hey! Thanks for coming by - if you wanted to support me, this is the place. Im not sure why you would, but i am really grateful, thank you~
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Subscription Tiers

per month

Every little bit helps. I cant give much in return, but fortunately it should be light on your wallet.

The amount of support i receive shows how much people appreciate what i do, plus this is a significant compliment so thank you~

7 subscribers Supporter
per month

This whole thing is weird, i dont get it, but you want to support me and want to give me more than the minimum, i feel inclined to give something in return. I want to do more than just to thank you~

2 subscribers Hierophant
per month

If you want to support me with a lot of money, id feel bad to ask for anything more than this. You need to eat too... Im really grateful however, and i would love to draw lots and lots for you. Im unfortunately only a human, and what ive decided, is to do a monthly poll for a sketch. Hope you will find it worthwhile!

4 subscribers Spendthrift


  • Discord access
  • Monthly raffle for a sketch (not sure how much i can do there, might do multiple)

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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