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Magical Firsts

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Chasing the Idol

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Bewitching Wizardry - The Complete Collection

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Misapplied Magic - The Complete CollectionWild magic can certainly spice up your day. . . Maggie ...

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Missapplied Magic Part 1
By Farleven

"Well, of course magic isn't real." Nora laughed as she sipped at her tea.

Maggie simply smiled and nodded. It was always hard to say anything when a sprite was doing cartwheels on someone's head, especially when that person was saying patently ridiculous things. Sometimes she wondered why she even tried to talk to normal people anymore. Her life was so far outside their perceptions that she may as well have been speaking an alien language.

"Really, then how do you explain those two?" Maggie pointed over to a rather odd couple as they strolled down the street. They were just a good distraction, but perfectly fit for it. The man was tall, well dressed and absolutely stunning, while the woman was too short, a bit too round and she had a face that probably saved her plenty of costuming time at Halloween. Despite the fact that they weren't a complementary pair, it was obvious from the way she hung on his arm and the way he smiled down to her that they were in love.

Maggie truly wasn't one to be shallow though she knew Nora could be, and the sprite needed a new place to play. Sprites loved short people for some reason, and this one quickly bounced off of Nora's head and found its way to the small woman and started to play again. Maggie breathed a sigh of relieve, sprites had a way of enjoying things too much and their effect on people could be wickedly unpredictable.

"I've seen love do stranger things than that, and I've never seen any magic involved." Nora scoffed.

"Fair enough, there's just no reasoning with you today." Maggie flipped her short black hair out of her face. There wasn't any use arguing the point. Nora may have been one of her oldest friends, but like most people she couldn't see the magic all around her.

"So you're not going to regale me with one of your stories?" Nora sat back in her chair expectantly. Ever since they were young, Maggie had tried to convince her friend of all the things that she could see that others didn't seem to notice. There was so much to tell, and yet no one believed her, and no one saw any of it. Sprites were just a small part of it, though they were the easiest to spot. Most mythological creatures existed, almost all of them moving around in plain sight, though many of them did try to avoid being too public. There were always wizards and sorcerers around and such magical beings were much sought after.

"Not today, I've actually got something to do." Maggie finished her tea. The truth was, she hadn't expected to run into her friend here today. It had complicated her plans, because it meant she needed to come up with a distraction. "But I was wondering if you could give me back my little black dress for tonight."

"Really? I thought you said you wouldn't need it for a while? Did you happen to get a date and not tell me?" Nora grinned wickedly. The two women were much the same size, close enough that swapping expensive dresses was a great way to extend their budgets and wardrobes. The particular dress was especially alluring, with a short skirt, tight waist and plunging neckline that showed of either woman's best features.

"Well, it's not exactly a date, but you know how I like to put my best foot forward." Maggie blushed a bit, doing her best to sell it. Given that it was already three in the afternoon, Nora would have to go straight home to get the dress. That means she wouldn't have time to wander the shops.

"Ah," Nora smiled and winked. "Okay, you want me to bring it by your place then?"

"Yeah, you can just pop it in my drop box, by six would be great." Maggie tightened the screws a bit more. She knew Nora was easy to distract, but for a good cause she was reliable. Helping her friend snare a good man was always a worthy mission.

"In that case I better get going. You'll have to let me know what happens!" Nora stood up and gathered her things.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. We'll have to come back here tomorrow and do some shopping and I can fill you in." Maggie stood up herself. The hairs on the back of her neck were nearly straight up now. She really didn't have much more time to fool around, but thankfully she managed to get Nora on her way to the nearest train station.

Now Maggie turned around and looked at the street, she'd just managed to keep her friend out of. The magical energy was starting to spark through the air. She hadn't felt a burst this strong in months, and even at this distance it was starting to have an effect on her.

Magic has always been a strange thing. Sure the creatures were interesting and unruly, but raw, untamed magic was something else. It liked to pop into existence at random and would enchant virtually anything. In truth, most of it was benign. Everyone has those moments when they're walking down the street and everything is just right with the world. Well, half the time they happened to walk past an enchanted tree or signpost. Magic simply added a bit of flair to reality.

Other magic, however, was not benign. If it was strong enough, it could alter reality and create little pockets where people would be changed depending on the nature of the magic involved. Sometimes the pull was so strong that people couldn't escape, not without help.

That was where Maggie came in. She was a sorceress, or so she had been told. She'd always had an affinity for magic that went beyond her ability to see it. The most powerful mages could draw the magic in, cleanse it and store it. She'd been a teenager when a wizard found her, and found her brimming with magical energies that she'd just instinctively absorbed. He'd taken her under his wing and taught her what she was, what she could do, and helped her understand the true nature of magic.

Even an outburst of this size could be tamed, and she could pull it in and absorb the power. That meant walking into the enchantment, however, and Maggie gulped as she felt the ripples of power bouncing off the buildings. Sometimes it was hard to gain control over chaotic magic, and plenty of times she had been under the sway of that power before she could pull it in.

That's why she'd gotten Nora to go home. The swirling mass of energy in front of her had already drawn in several people, and Maggie didn't want her friend being pulled in as well. Normal people wouldn't notice the changes, but if they stayed too long inside a powerful outburst, they could end up permanently affected. The alterations were hard to remove, even for the most skilled mages.

Luckily, this outburst was still new, and simply absorbing it would be enough to reverse any effects for the people under its spell. Maggie knew it wouldn't be easy though. First she'd have to walk into it and probably get enchanted before she could begin to unweave the power from the place it was embedded. In theory she should be used to being changed by wild magic, but it was so random that she could never anticipate what she'd end up becoming before she could regain control.

She took a moment to look around before proceeding. It was always so strange to watch people going about their normal lives while a surging ball of magic flashed and sparked only feet away from them. Occasionally, a wisp of magic would hit someone and they'd turn, drawn in by the spell, but usually no one paid it any mind.

Maggie was not so lucky, though. She could see the way perception was already being twisted. The power was real, and she got a twist in her stomach as she considered her options. The truth was, she really only had one. Walk into the middle of it, let it work its spell on her and then use that link to pull it in and tame it.

So she took a deep breath and walked towards the swirling energy. It had wrapped around a single store, a small boutique that Maggie had never really cared for. She could feel a few people inside, already bound in the magic, and knew that the world inside had already been twisted and shaped into something else. The trouble was, from the outside she could never tell what it had been changed into.

The spell was already working on her as she neared the store. Her clothes had changed. With every step, her T-shirt and jeans morphed into a black skirt and matching top. Her shoes slowly became a pair of glossy black high heels and her socks slid up her legs until they covered up to her thighs in bright white lace. Her panties shifted into a ring of white ruffles under her skirt that left her bare between her legs. Her top continued changing until it became a wrap around that hugged at her waist and exposed her cleavage. The top of her shirt split off and turned into a white lace collar as her sleeves turned into a pair of white gloves the ran all the way up to her biceps.

While her clothes were busy being rearranged, she could feel her body shifting as well. Her short black hair kept its color, but grew long and wavy until it spilled over her shoulders and nearly reached her chest. Her breasts couldn't escape the spell either, her ample bosom tingled warmly as she gained a couple of cup sizes. Her waist drew in a bit and her hips expanded slightly. Maggie shuddered as the magic coursed through her.

"Well, this is a bit undignified." She muttered to herself as she made it to the front door of the shop. She had become the embodiment of a sexy French maid, with all of her curves on display and a ticklish draft between her legs. Maggie lamented the limited imagination of people at times like this, even as the magic was helping to arouse her.

That was the trouble with wild magic. It was looking for purpose, for direction and when it touched a person, it would often bring to life their fantasies and dreams, especially those being imagined at the moment of contact. The first person to be enchanted would find their imagination becoming real, and when the magic was strong enough, reality itself would be changed to match those thoughts.

That fact, combined with one other truth, people thought about sex a lot. An awful lot. Maggie could barely count the number of times she'd ended up in the middle of someone's sexy fantasy. Becoming a hot little French maid was far from the biggest change she'd gone through. She'd learned to enjoy it, having to work her way through an erotic enchantment was a lot more pleasurable than getting caught up in someone's daydream of revenge.

The energy flowing through the doorknob was the final mark. She knew as soon as she touched it, she'd enter the little pocket that was now filled from the imagination of the same person that wanted her in a short black skirt and white lace. It wasn't their fault, but she'd be pulled into that reality just the same. Maggie took a deep breath and extended her hand. There was only one way to tame this magic and gain the power it possessed.

When her hand wrapped around the knob, she could feel the enchantment engulf her. It was more intense than the simple effect that came from being changed. Her head swam for a moment as everything around her shifted. Her vision blurred, and then just as quickly everything settled again.

Maggie took a deep breath as she adjusted. She could feel her body flushing with arousal as she wavered. She was inside the pocket reality that the wild magic had created. Now all that remained was to find out what she’d gotten into. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was standing at the edge of a large room. It looked like a party. Well, not the kind she usually went to, not since most of the guests were in varying degrees of undress.

The room was filled with apparitions, magical approximations of people. To a normal person, they would seem real, but she could see through the illusion. In truth there were only six real people that she could see, four women and two men, all clustered around a couple of couches while the apparitions completed the ambiance of an orgy.

The people were quite busy as well, and Maggie could feel the raw power of lust reverberating as their flesh writhed together. Each of the guys had a girl fully in the throes of passion while the last two girls were busy stroking each other. They were all dressed in one kind of costume or another, though the men had pretty much stripped naked. There was a cheerleader uniform on one woman, and a harem outfit on another. The last two were down to their stockings; whatever they’d started with was now discarded on the floor.

“Wonderful isn’t it?” She heard a voice whisper into her ear. She spun around only to get caught in the arms of a rather strong man who had been standing behind her. He was a good deal taller than her, which left her first staring into his overly muscled chest before she got a chance to look up at his chiseled face. The firm jaw, penetrating gaze and lustful smile simply made her melt.

No matter how many times she jumped into wild magic, she never quite got used to just how untamed it could make her. The magic wanted her to conform to the fantasy, and she did, she wanted it just as much. When he pulled her close, she gushed, her enlarged breasts pressing into his firmness. He was so hot, and her pussy quivered eagerly.

“Yeah, like you.” Maggie stammered. She could see the way the magic had altered him, making him a perfect specimen of a man. Even if she hadn’t been enchanted she would have jumped at the chance for a date with him. Sure, maybe his personality stunk, but for at least one night she could ignore that just so she could run her hands over his rippling muscles.

She squirmed in his hands as he caressed her curves. Her transformed body was so much more sensitive than her normal one, and she couldn’t help moaning lewdly when he squeezed her round ass cheeks. Maggie wasn’t about to let him have all the fun. She sent her fingers tracing his muscles and exploring his bare back. It was becoming hard to think about anything other than sex as she felt the wild magic pulsing through her.

“I see you’re enjoying the party.” He smiled down wickedly as he slid a hand between her parted thighs. Maggie whimpered as his fingers ran along her wet slit. She bit her lip as he teased her, emphasizing the need boiling inside her. It was almost too much for her, but she managed to keep from completely losing out to the pleasure.

Even as her body quivered with need, she managed to assess the situation. The magic was powerful, and had bonded with the man who was busy teasing feminine moans from her as he gently rubbed at the top of her mound. She did her best to trace the currents as they spread out from him and coursed through her and the other people that had been drawn into his reality. The magic had changed everyone and made them wickedly aroused. It wasn’t hard to guess what that resulted in.

“Oh, yes, it’s amazing.” Maggie cooed as she slid her hands down to his boxers. She didn’t always like to admit it, but she really did enjoy playing with wild magic. In some ways it was addictive. She never knew exactly what she’d be turned into or what she’d end up doing, but it usually felt so good. The way this transformation was affecting her told her that this was going to be a good one.

The easiest way to dislodge the magic was to distract the person it had bonded with. That’s why the sex fantasies were the best. The easiest way to distract someone in such a reality was to fuck them silly. When they were reeling from the heights of passion the magic could be pulled from them and she could tame it, at least enough to get it back to her workshop. There she had the tools to help her absorb the magic or store it in a more stable form.

“Oh my, you are wicked, my dear.” He laughed as Maggie slipped her hand under the waistband of his boxers and started to stroke his massive hardness. His cock was huge, both thick and long. Her pussy quivered as she rubbed him. She always loved the feeling of a big hard cock in her hands, and one thing guys always did in these magical fantasies was give themselves a huge dick. If she weren’t so happy to play with them, she’d probably have laughed at their insecurity issues.

Maggie didn’t bother to answer him. She knew the perfect way to show him how true it was. She went down on her knees and pulled his boxers down at the same time. His cock popped free and jutted out towards her, while she leaned in until her lips were barely an inch from his bulging cock head. The smell wafted into her nose, the unique masculine aroma only heating her up more.

“Oh.” He moaned as she bent forward and traced around the tip of his cock with her tongue. Before he could say anything else she opened her mouth and started to suckle on the head. Maggie loved the strange sounds she could elicit from men when she caressed their cocks with her tongue and lips. She had to admit it was pretty thrilling being able to get a man so hard as well, and she did her best to keep him that way.

The flavor and texture of a man’s shaft were also a strange inducement for her as well. She remembered thinking it was gross a long time ago, but now, she’d come to rather enjoy it. The fact was it was the very core of masculinity, and she couldn’t deny her appreciation for having a cock inside her mouth where she could appreciate it so fully.

Maggie continued, taking him deeper and deeper until her mouth was full. Then she dove in, letting his cock slide down her throat until her lips were wrapped around the base of his shaft. While he moaned, she squirmed as she sucked and licked on his hardness. Existing in a magical pocket reality gave her a chance to do many things that reality liked to get in the way of, and she’d never managed to deep throat a guy in real life without gagging. In his fantasy, however, her gag reflex was gone, and even her ability to breath wasn’t imposed upon. If not for her body aching for his cock in other places, she could have enjoyed simply bobbing her head over his crotch for a while.

The yearning of her empty pussy only grew more intense as she sucked. As fun as it was to tease him this way, Maggie knew how good he would feel inside her. Even his brief fondling of her naked pussy had been enough to tell her that she’d be writhing in pleasure easily once he managed to mount her. She could barely wait for that, and she suspected that he felt much the same way.

So with one final, long suck she pulled her mouth off of his hardness. She made sure to lick every vein and ridge as it slid by and made one last aggressive lick around his bulbous cock head before she let it pop out of her mouth. Maggie slowly worked her way back up from there, licking and kissing at his carved abs and firm chest before she was standing on the tips of her toes so she could nuzzle against his neck.

He looked down at her writhing flesh for a moment and then leaned down for a ravenous kiss. Their lips smacked together for a moment before she forced her tongue into his mouth. They pressed their bodies together as their tongues danced. Maggie embraced him. Her entire body was starting to ache with raw desire, and pressing her soft flesh into his hardness only enhanced that heat.

Just when she was getting ready to break the kiss, she felt his hands slide down and she squealed when he gripped the top of her thighs and lifted her up. Maggie wasn't a very large woman, and he lifted her with ease. She threw her arms around his neck and let him carry her across the room. Maggie could feel the magic swirling around her as they neared the orgy. A cushioned bed swirled into existence in front of him and he tossed her onto it.

She was lost in a flurry of silken sheets before he jumped on top of her. He dragged her back towards him, forcing her legs open as she cried out in surprise. Maggie swooned, enjoying the dominant play as he moved to mount her. Magic could make even timid men far more assertive, and she had come to enjoy being dominated in these encounters.

When the head of his cock began to press against her wet slit, she was panting with desire. He teased her for only a moment, rubbing his hardness against her tender folds as she writhed helplessly. The magic assured that they were both ready, and she looked up at him with a look of pure need painted on her face.

"Oh, yes!" Maggie moaned as he mounted her with one hard thrust. Her whole body quaked as he speared her. His thick shaft had her stuffed to the breaking point and she squeezed down on him as strongly as she could. It was hard to think about anything else as she ground her hips against his. There was simply no feeling to compare to that of fantasy sex.

He leaned down to kiss her again, and Maggie threw herself at him. Her legs rubbed against his thighs and her finger dug at his back as she reeled from the powerful feelings between her legs. Her lips met his with a wild passion, and she nibbled and licked at his lips and face as she let her needs wash over her.

She wailed as he began moving inside her. The feeling of his hardness slowly retreating had her quivering and then she shook from raw ecstasy as he stretched her pussy open again. The magic always made sex feel so good, and she could enjoy being ravished so fully without worry.

"Harder, fuck me harder." Maggie begged as he drew up a slow, measured pace between her legs. She did her best to entice him, but he maintained his discipline. No doubt he was enjoying the sound of her begging and pleading for more as he took her. His long hard thrusts were as much taunting her as they were pleasurable. Her body craved more, needed more.

She nearly yelped with joy when he suddenly pulled out of her and then flipped her over. Maggie had been in enough fantasies to know what he wanted when he gave her a stinging slap on her bare ass. She squeaked at the rush of strange pleasure that shot through her along with the pain. She long ago learned that when she was this aroused that pain could feel just as good as pleasure, and often times it was even better.

She scrambled to lift up her hips and spread her legs for him. Maggie quivered with anticipation. She realized she was still wearing that lewd maid costume and she only hoped that seeing her bare ass and needful pussy peering out from the lace ruffles of her skirt would entice him to giving her the hard fucking she ached for.

"My my, what a frisky filly." He laughed as he slapped her ass again with one hand while the other cupped her hips and drew them back. Maggie wiggled her upturned ass for a moment before she felt his cock press against her again. She moaned as he ran it along her slit, letting her feel the full length of his hardness before pointing it towards her needful gates.

"Please, take me hard!" She begged again. She strained to look back at him. His firm hands were holding her in place and he smiled as he pulled back and let the tip of his cock slide between her nether lips. Then she let out another cry of pleasure as he stuffed her empty pussy with a perfect filling thrust. In this position, she could feel him rubbing hard against her more tender spots, and her body quivered from the raw sensations.

"Yes! Oh yes!" Maggie panted as his fingers sank into her hips and he started to hammer her. She savored the hard fucking and the savage feelings he was coaxing out of her with his aggressive assault. She loved the way she could just let go and enjoy this kind of magical sex. She couldn't get pregnant, or infected. She couldn't even get injured, she could be slapped and bit while her pussy was stretched to the breaking point and tomorrow she wouldn't have even the smallest bruise or ache. There was simply no better way to have sex.

He played his role to a tee. His cock ravaged her tight flesh and they pushed past the heights of pleasure that two people could normally share. Maggie did her best to squeeze him and work her hips back against his plunging hardness, but he kept her firmly in place as he pounded her. Occasionally, he would smack her bottom as he thrust and she would squeal at the powerful mix of pleasure and pain.

Time slipped away as her body shook with unending thrusts. The raw pleasure of his handling left Maggie quivering and lost in a tidal wash of sensations. It was all she could do just to keep from collapsing into a melted puddle of seething joy on the bed. She whimpered, cried and begged for more as her body rode wave after wave of passion.

She barely even noticed as his thrust became more frantic until he was pounding hard and his hands were trembling around her hips. That moment of realization hit her just as he grabbed onto her hard and then drove deep into her pussy. She cried out at the same time his cock exploded inside her. Her insides filled with his seed, and she wailed from a soul crushing orgasm.

The pleasure was an unreal rush of joy, her entire body seemed to be glowing as the ecstasy flooded her. From the unreal sensation of her fully stretched pussy to the tips of her quivering breasts Maggie's body shuddered. She panted and moaned as she milked his pulsing cock, barely believing anything could feel so good.

Maggie allowed herself a moment to enjoy the feeling, but the sense of magic rippling around her brought her back to the reality of why she was here in the first place. He had collapsed onto the bed with her, and was panting as the wild magic swirled around them. It had started to come loose from his soul as his focus wavered. Normally, it would rejoin him in a moment, but this was her chance.

She rolled around so that she could rub his chest and abs and help draw out his pleasure as she turned her focus to the energy whirling around them. This was always the hardest part, with her body still enjoying her recent orgasm she had to draw the magic to her. It was hard to explain just how it worked, but there was a way of thinking that seemed to draw magic in, and she had been born with the raw talent for that.

In truth, it had taken years of practice to reach a decent level of skill, and there were still times that the magic got the better of her. She got stuck for four days in an eroticized medieval fantasy once. Maggie still quivered just thinking about how good it had felt to be taken by a nearly endless stream of well hung knights while she was adorned as a princess of the realm. If she couldn't take control of this magic now, she'd get pulled into another cycle of sex and pleasure before she'd have another chance.

Sometimes that was tempting, especially when it felt as good as it did today. Still, she knew that was a trap, with each round of pleasure, she'd be weaker and find it harder to focus the way she needed to. If she wasn't careful, she'd end up as just another enchanted trollop and forced to wait for another wizard or sorcerer to come along and rescue her. It had happened before, and it was always rather embarrassing. Of course, she'd also done her part in rescuing others as well, it was a snare that everyone fell into eventually.

Today was not one of those days however. She managed to pluck the last strand linking the magic to her host and then concentrated. Maggie didn't need it attaching to her, even as it flailed. She focused her thoughts, and slowly managed to tie the strands, forcing them to run together until she was left with a ball of self contained energy. It wasn't perfect, a few wisps of energy still snaked out of the ball, but it would hold long enough for her to get it back to her laboratory.

The residual energy began to dissipate as soon as the wild core had been contained. This was almost the hardest part. Maggie had to turn her focus back to the room, and discover what condition everyone was in and try to keep them from truly realizing what had just happened. Even though normal people usually just ignored the magic around them, when they were hit by something this strong, it was always possible they would remember, and that could cause all kinds of problems.

First, she made sure the door was locked and the shops closed sign was set. She was lucky they were in such a confined space. It was always harder to do cleanup in public because she had to worry about outside observers as well as those that had been trapped by the magic.

Maggie turned her focus to the six people who had been busy pleasuring each other when she'd arrived. They'd collapsed into a heap after the last blast of pleasure from the orgasm she'd shared with the host. That helped, and she turned her attention to each one in turn. She had to search for the echo of their old body and clothes and then needed to cast a spell to restore them. Luckily the magic had only been here for a short time, which meant the changes to reality were still weak. The longer changes lasted, the more set they were until they would become reality. Once that happened, they would be almost impossible to reverse.

With the others taken care of, she turned her attention to their host. Maggie sighed as she looked down at the carved flesh of his naked form. She hated having to reverse such a work of art, especially when she discovered what she would be restoring. The poor guy was nearly the opposite of his fantasy self, a short, almost effeminate guy without a bit of ruggedness to him or even a nice endowment to compensate.

This was one place where she did have discretion. No one really forced her to clean up the effects of magic, it was simply something that wizards and sorceresses did to keep from having to deal with the havoc that such changes could bring. There was no authority to check her work, in fact the only thing others cared about was that no one made or left a mess that would cause normal people to suspect magic was real.

Maggie concentrated on a new spell. Restoring him to his original form was easy, but what she had in mind would be a bit more difficult since it involved altering reality instead of simply returning it to a previous state. She managed the number of ripples by only going half way. She didn't make him taller, but left him with most of the muscles and a cock large enough that women would love it without risking permanent injury.

He'd never even realize that he'd been changed, that was part of the way magic worked, but Maggie felt better giving him a reward after he'd brought her such pleasure. She didn't do that too often, but some days she just couldn't walk away without making things better.

The magic had faded away as she stood. It rarely took long once the core of the wild magic was contained. Everyone would simply wake up and go about their day. None of the others would remember what had happened, though they'd be confused about the missing hours, it would be little more than a nagging feeling. Even the rest of the world would barely notice their absence. It was the way magic worked for normal folk. It operated in the background, masking perceptions even as reality changed.

The final step was restoring herself. She stood up and closed her eyes. As fun as the big breasts and curvy frame could be, Maggie preferred her more svelte form. A quick swirl of magic left her wavering as her body shifted and her clothes changed back to their original form.

With that done, she slipped into a corner and watched as everyone woke up. There were a few moments of shared confusion and then everyone wandered off. They'd go back to their lives, none the wiser. Maggie smiled as she held out her hand and looked down at the pulsing glow of trapped magic. It had been a good afternoon, and she knew just the necklace that could use another charged stone.

Life was never dull with magic. Sometimes she wished she could share the truth with everyone else, but Maggie enjoyed the secrets as well. She opened up her senses, searching for another outburst of magic, and felt the smoothness of a world at peace. She let out a sigh of relief, this had been enough fun for one day.

There was always plenty of magic for tomorrow.

The End ( Part 1 )

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