The full experience! Full content! You get access to:

All perks of tier 1

Of course.

Alternative Sketches

When available , all the alternative sketches done for the production of the pictures, upload at full resolution

Back burner content

From time to time I produce content that never ends up being seen by anyone usually sketches that are pretty and done but I never get around to finalizing them into a full picture.

Suggestions for polls

The polls will be populated with your suggestions, guide by me to make a smooth experience.


Any extra content that I make! like un-crop pictures, art tests, 3d renders, previews of any other kind of project (like comics or animations) and any other interesting content that I produce!

WIP of comics or animations

I don't produce this very frequently but I really REALLY want to do them, so, when I get around to make them, here I'll post the progress of the work as an early preview.