0.1.23s-1 is now live for Snorkelers+

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Hey all!
Through sickness, crashes, a dead computer (RIP), interviews and platform shakeups we bring you a new snapshot.
This snapshot itself is focused on Day 1. There was a lot of work to do on cleaning up the dialogue and adjusting it to the new system. Some scenes are altered to give them better context or improve conversational flow. In some cases, there is even some new content.
A few scenes even had to be recreated as well due to the updated maps and being some of the first scenes added to the game.
You should also notice a smaller file size. That's intended as we are optimizing the game's assets.
We've also locked the game to 60fps which is what the game engine internally updates at anyways. Let me know if this has positively or negatively affected your experience. In my testing so far, it has been a small net positive. Particularly on high refresh rate displays.
There is a LOT to finish implementing for 0.1.23 which should hopefully ship this weekend. Such as A SPICY new H-CG starring everyone's favorite ???, ???! (Catch the WIPs for that and more on discord) Plus tons of polish (specifically quests, corruption and tutorials) and I'd like to extend the polish to day 2 if there is time. Hoping we are able to squeeze in the next set of sprites as well!
Time to pop some more antibiotics and get back to work!
Changelog 0.1.23s-1 RC
  • added new church interior map
  • added new healing room interior map
  • added a 60 fps cap
        -Feedback requested!
  • added optimized Priest VN bust
  • added optimized Hermit VN bust
  • added optimized Lily VN bust
  • added optimized Hilda VN bust
  • added optimized Cassandra VN bust
  • updated scene: "Waking Up in the Church"
  • updated scene: "Kazuma Mountain Trail"
  • updated scene: "Onsen Entry"
  • updated scene: "The Hermit"
  • updated scene: "Hermit at the Church."
  • updated scene: "The Curse."
  • updated scene: "Cursed Realm 1st Visit."
  • updated scene: "Everything Has A Price."
  • updated scene: "The Golden Barrel"
  • updated scene: "The White Wolf"
  • added small flavor text if you re-enter the church when finding the hermit.
  • changed a few pronouns to just be the proper noun to reduce confusion.
  • fixed an error with Garland not showing up after talk to Hilda on Day 1.
  • fixed some dialogue that displays twice when sleeping the first night.
  • fixed A LOT of typos

The public build for 0.1.22 RC will also go live later tonight.