Dev Diary #218: Mapping the update

Hi everybody! This dev diary will be a bit short, but I wanted to let you know what I've been up to this week. Frankly, I didn't do as much as I expected I would be doing and I took some much needed R&R time, something I have neglected over the last few years. I've also spent some time mapping out the new update and fixing some bugs as I move along.

As I mentioned last week, the big plan for this update was to add more to the pool of non-story events, meaning adding more content to side content instead. So far, I've started work on two new events, one for gregschart that will be a new "dominant" type of job and the other being a new comic-con event for the convention center. The first felt particularly necessary as the amount of Dominant PC content is seriously lacking, when there is an entire dominance stat and new traits that work with dominant/submissive situations, while the second was just something I felt inspired to work on, in order to add more to this specific location.

There is also some other pretty big stuff in the works that I am working on behind the scenes that I've been preparing for and that I will talk more about in the coming weeks, that will hopefully be something you will all be psyched about. It's honestly a pretty big undertaking so I'm not going to elaborate further on this until it is ready to be fully added into the game.

See you all next week!

Unfortunately, due to my little R&R time, I'll have to postpone the dev build for supporters to tomorrow, just so the content I mentioned here is actually completed and not just partially polished drafts. Sorry about that little delay