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335 - I Just Like Girls.

IT IS MONDAY and that means it is time for me to do what I do best: try desperately to come up with at least something to say because I have no news to share.

CONAN (PS2). Spent some hours last week playing CONAN for PlayStation2. It's a decent enough game, very atmospheric. Found a woman who was about to get scarified, saved her. The first thing out of her mouth: "Thanks, but I can take care of myself". Bitch, the cultists were about to slit your throat. Shut up.
STELLA GLOW. On the final stretch right now. That means I was only able to max out my affinity with 3 girls and 0 of the guys. The girls are: Popo (Wind Witch), Lesette (Water Witch) and Nonoka (The Ninja Girl). I will be done with this game by next Monday and will have my final opinion on it :)

BY THE WAY, maxing out Popo's affinity has unlocked her final spell/song. And, what a song that was. I was not ready. Absolutely fantastic tune. You can check it here, but listening to it outside of the context and without the gameplay to accompany it is not the same.
( )

FABLE. Watched a little documentary on creation of the first FABLE. Was surprised to find out how little direct involvement Peter Molyneux had with the game. Also it was interesting to see how majority of the time the devs had no idea what the fuck they were doing. Reminded me of my own struggles during the PT development. Back in the day game devs were experimenting a lot. These days many games feel souless and reek of a factory assembly line.
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JAK AND DAXTER. Found this treasure at a local pawn shop for like 10 bucks. I used to own the entire trilogy but it was a long time ago. The disc is in a perfect condition, which is a plus, even though I play PS2 games on an emulator. I bought this one because of the nostalgia and for the tactile experience. It has all the goodies intact: The manual, the world map. I'd say 10 bucks well spent. I am happy ^^

THE WORK. Finished Lily's storyline. Some light re-writes were needed to make sure the world reacts properly if you decide to go for Lily first. After you marry a girl in the game she moves in with you, but Lily owns a brothel where 2 other bachelorettes work, so I had to account for that and make sure everything works as it should. This week I will continue to test things. That is all I have to say really. -_-

TAHNK YOU for your support and I will see you all next Monday.


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334 - More Of The Same.

THIS IS SO annoying... I hate doing empty posts like this, but it is what it is. Since I am focusing on coding and writing right now, there are no new pics to show off. Oh, I almost forgot! Welcome to another Monday Post, bros!

STELLA GLOW. About 44 hours in. I rarely play more than 40 minutes or so every day, so the progress is slow. I usually wait until the evening to play, but when the evening comes I am often too exhausted to enjoy gaming. That's adult life for you. That being said I continue to enjoy the game a lot.

THE WORK. I continue with the playtesting of QT. Because this is the first time for me to see all the parts of the game working together, some things don't work as they should and I spend a lot of time fixing stuff or doing little rewrites.

AN EXAMPLE. Two days ago I have finally reached one of the 4 endings. After the final credits the game continues (as it should), but nobody in the game world reacts to what just transpired... And of course I had to fix that. I had to write FOUR clever little scenes for every character. There are 4 different endings so naturally every character should have 4 different things to say about it. The problem is, this stuff needs to be well written, otherwise it's just wasting players time. The worst thing you could do as a game dev is make your character speak a lot but say nothing.

THE PLAN. This week I will continue to do the same: writing, coding, testing. I am starting to hate this fucking game a little, but this is normal. It was the same thing with both PT and WT. After I release a game I usually don't want to even think about it again for at least a week. This means I am getting close to finish ^^

THAT IS ALL. Thank you for your support bros. I will see you all next Monday.

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333 - Today's News: No News.

HELLO, GUYS. It's Monday again and that means another Monday post. As usual. At this point even if the end of the world will come you can still count on me posting something on Monday :)

UNFORTUNATELY I have nothing new to report. I continue to play-test the game fixing the bugs and filling in missing bits as I go on.

ADJUSTMENTS. I had to double all the earnings from all the in-game activities because the game was taking way too long to get going. This took me by surprise because I thought my calculations were correct, but I was wrong. Well, that is what the testing for.

MUSIC AND SOUND. Right now I am mostly focused on the bug fixes but I did add some music and sounds here and there. The majority of the scenes remain to be without any music though, that is something I usually add last.

THAT IS ALL. This week I will continue to test things. And that's it. Like I said nothing exciting to report. -_-

BOB. That being said Bob sent me poster #5 few days ago. This one is for Lily. At this point the only one still missing is Iris. There will be 6 bachelorettes in the game and each one of them get's a cool poster. Let me remind you that Bob is doing this completely free of charge and of his own volition. I just send him the art assets and a bit of text, and he does everything else. Not all heroes wear capes, guys. 0_0

STELLA GLOW. Maxed out my bond with Popo. I mean, she is obviously number one for me because she is basically Lola. Also maxed out my bond with Nonoka (the ninja girl).

THE END. That is all I have to say. I will be doing more play-testing this week. Make sure to check out the attachment for the Lily poster. And I will see you all next Monday.


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332 - Too Busy Playing Q.T.

HELLO THERE, dear bros! How is it going? I don't have much to say workwise and have nothing new or exciting to show. So yeah... Thank you for your support ^_^
FABLE. Over the week a whole bunch of video games related news were made public. I didn't do any research but from what I have seen so far Fable continues to look very modern. Moving on.

PERFECT DARK. New Perfect Dark game has been announced. Looks very modern. Moving on.
DRAGON AGE. Supposedly new Dragon Age game will be released this year. From the looks of it it will be extremely modern. Moving on.

STARSHIP TROOPERS. New Starship Troopers game has been announced. The irony is that it looks like a Helldivers 2 rip off, even though it is supposed to be the other way around. The trailer looked weak and I hate the motorcycle helmets they gave everyone.

STAR WARS. Another shitty Star Wars show was released and apparently it is shitty. But who cares at this point? Moving on.

IRIS. Dahr sent me some new Iris cosplay pics. You can find them in the attachment or on my twitter. Cosplyer's name is: LERA HIMERA.
STELLA GLOW. During last week I didn't have much time to play anything other than Queen Trainer, but what I did play of Stella Glow was quite an experience. The protagonists have reached a very low point in the story, when all the hope seems lost and I must say it was very well written. I loved how the devs went as afar as to change the character's in-battle phrases, so that they would sound depressed, to replace the usual cheerful quips. Such a nice touch. Also going to the Franz atelier and seeing that girl taking over the shop after her father died. Man, I wasn't ready for this. Hit me right in the fucking kokoro this one did. T_T

THE WORK. Like I said I have nothing new to show this week so there will be no EXTRA!! post. During last week I have been playing Queen Trainer from the beginning and I must say, not only it is actually fun to play but it also (almost) works. I try to play fairly, to test the economy, but sometimes I still use console commands to add gold and change other variables for testing purposes. But it was still fun. That being said I have discovered quite a few pretty serious bugs and some text missing or written incorrectly and requiring extra work. This week I plan to continue to do the same: play and fix QT. Really looking forward to it. Finally experiencing a game I have been working on for 2+ years is a feeling like no other :)

KEEP IN MIND THOUGH. I still have a lot of work ahead of me. For one the sound is completely missing still, that is something I will be adding at the very last moment. Also "the cake" (true ending scene) is still missing. It's nothing to grandiose but will also require some time when I get to it. And finally the achievements are still missing. That is something that will also take some time.

THAT IS ALL. I honestly don't have much more to say at this point. This week should be fun. I'll see you all next week, cherished bros!


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331 - Got Sick. Will Keep It Short.

HELLO THERE, dear bros. I caught a cold yesterday, so right now I feel like if I have spent the night deepthroating on a cactus. Hating this -_- On the bright side of things at least I can write this post instead of having to actually speak, because even speaking is something I'd rather not do at the moment.

THAT BEING SAID, this is only a cold so tomorrow I am sure I'll feel better and things will be back on track. Just like with any other cold, you just need to wait a little and it'll fuck right off.

STELLA GLOW. Didn't had many chances to play Stella Glow during last week, but I did reach (what I think is) the main twist in the story. I know some of you did play this game before and I appreciate you keeping me in the dark about this. It was such a ride to experience all those events without knowing what to expect. As you can see I continue to adore this game :)
SILENT HILL 2. By the way, I hear that Silent Hill 2 is getting updated for the modern audiences.  Well, that has got to be great news for somebody somewhere. Thankfully I don't have to worry about things like that anymore ^_^

KINETICA. (PS2) It's a racing game where you drive half-naked women instead of racing cars. Somehow I never heard of it, but now that I know it exists I am definitely gonna play it. Plan to give it a try later today, if the cold doesn't make me feel to sleepy. -_-

THE WORK. Lost at least one day of work due to the cold, but whatever. During this week I wrote and coded in the intro event, so the game now starts properly instead of "INTRO GOES HERE" sign. After that I began the major testing: just playing it from the beginning to see how (or if) all the different game systems work together. Pretty soon I discovered that I was still missing a chibi version of Balsam and a New Year Palm tree that appears in your home one week before the Happy New Year celebration is you decided to celebrate it that year. Anyway, that's about it. The plan for this week is to finally do a thorough testing of the game start to finish. I imagine I will discover a lot of stuff that needs fixing. Will brief you on the results next week.

THAT IS ALL I have to say. Make sure to check out EXTRA!! post for some WIPs and in the meantime I need to go suck on some Strepsils.


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331 - EXTRA! !

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