01/11/2020 - Weekly's Newsletter

After the last update I really needed a break from the Studio. Fortunately for me, this week is GDQ week so I’ve been chillin with it and I used this week to work on a new custom menu, something that I always wanted to do. Shutouts to rayminator, he spent like half week helping me with it in Lemma Soft Forums (the place to go for all your Ren’Py questions). I also changed how the Blog looks like, it’s way more cooler now.
I already started thinking in the next update and I made a poll for people to vote which character should I advance first, and so far Alice and Elly’s story is clearly winning. Alice and Elly’s story is the one I wanted to advance the most because they need more work than the others to progress with them.
That will be it for now. Thanks for reading.