DEV DIARY #107: The quest for Kara's glasses

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great week. I sure enjoyed mine as I went on a little bit of a personal holiday. Rest assured, I have still worked on the game this week and there will be more on that. But the internet is not optimal which means I will have to delay Dev Build 3 release to monday for  Subscribers. I want to apologize for this small delay, but rest assured it will be out the moment I get back home.

But what did I do this week? Well as I mentioned recently, I got sidetracked a bit on backend tweaks and I managed to squeeze a little bit more out of the routines, which will make the code lighter for that widget. The performance increase and impact on the file size won't make a big difference for most users, but mobile players might enjoy this one out, at least I hope they will.

I also worked on adding a couple of extra images to the game, with the Gym getting brand new training looped videos and the Hair Salon getting a new background. UI is always a bit of a challenge, but I will try to add more in general to events, as I find suitable content for them. Actually, someone recently made me notice there was a lack of videos for the landlord sex scenes, which I will try to remedy to for this update.

But the big change is regarding Kara's eyesight and overall intelligence, with improved detection for some milestones in your feminization training. So what exactly changed? Well critical trainings now allow you to skip certain tiers. It's not perfect, but it is a bit of a jump in time, which can hasten the progression. Not all quests are subjected to this mind you and usually you can only skip one tier at a time. I will keep it to this level for testing, but I might improve further on this for more superficial aspects so it is even more logical.

The balance between the mechanic of Kara Tasks and the overall logic is a difficult one, but minor improvements will reduce the tedium for now and open the way for more improvements in the future. Another experiment I am making in that regard is with unlocking conditions for certain quests. While the Makeup branch was an important addition, it felt a bit weird that completing crossdressing was the only way to unlock that branch, as other branches unlocked at earlier stages.

Now, completing the first step of the grooming branch can also unlocking it, which seems like a logical step and I would really like to hear your feedback on this question. Should I remove the crossdressing unlock or keep the two in?

On this, I'll get back to packing. See you all next week!