There are a few things about this project that have never sat especially well with me. First and foremost has been my own productivity. Even with proper medication and a better creative environment, I am only one person. Originally I had tried to both write my own content as well as adapt the stuff made by Melissa in order to keep a consistent style for the setting. I realize now how absolutely insane an idea that was. 

So I'm going to change it. From here on, I plan on releasing Melissa's content as it is sent to me, only contributing line edits or very light content tweaks. This means two things. Firstly, that there will be more content available here. Melissa is an absolute machine, and puts out some very high quality kink.
The other thing is that we'll have, at least for now, two distinct styles of writing available. I will be certain to make it clear which of us is writing each stories, and to properly attribute all credits. It also opens the door for other writers or artists to become a part of this storytelling experience, which can only be a good thing. 

The other thing I was never terribly happy with was how infrequently I allow you guys to have a say in how things go or what content comes up next. Taking a cue from a couple other writers I've seen, I have a couple of ideas on how that could be changed. 

The most drastic way to democratize the storytelling and scheduling would be to take a poll at the end of each post asking readers who they want to see next. This has the advantage of making sure that the next story up will be known in advance, and there by popular demand. The downside is that certain characters might not see new chapters for some time if they aren't terribly popular. That doesn't mean that those characters can't show up as secondary elements in some stories, however. 

The other option is to take things in "seasons", where we take a poll every few months to see where reader interests lie, then create a series of vignettes or short stories over the ensuing months that meet those criteria. Personally, I think I like this option best, simply because it gives the creative team far greater long-term control to tell stories that really speak to us and that we can collaborate on and release in a specific order or schedule. The downside here is that if a character or idea isn't suggested or voted on in a season, it could be a while before it gets another chance to be up for consideration. 

And those are just two potential ways to handle content generation. Let me know in the comments or on Discord which ones you prefer, or if you have another option that you think might work better. I genuinely want to make this page an experience that you all look forward to taking part in and gaining some degree of "pleasure" from. 

Thank you all so much for your time, attention, and support. Being able to make a career out of my writing would mean the world to me, and all of you help bring me that much closer to making it real.