Seiga's Subscribestar Schedule [Defunct]

What you can expect is Weekly Art and Animation. These are posted differently due to the difference in the work involved. My upload day for Weekly Art and most animation updates is every Wednesday. I work nights, so realistically this can be anything from Wednesday evening to Thursday morning. Any other significant delay should be flagged up in a text post.

Weekly Art

The weekly art is a colored pinup, voted on by Subscribers based on suggestions that were made in the previous month. Suggestion boxes go up two weeks before the first upload day of a month, and use comments from my high-tier subscribers to populate the polls. Polls for a month's content are posted one week before the first upload day of that month. A poll remains active throughout the entire month, selecting the highest voted option that has yet to be drawn each time I start on a weekly art piece. Polls give subscribers the ability to vote on multiple options, so you may vote on as many options as appeal to you without fear of 'wasting' your vote.

Limiting things to a Weekly frequency ensures I have plenty of time to sink into frame-by-frame animation! Speaking of which.


Animation updates and animation specific polls are exclusive to my highest Subscriber tier. Due to the nature of the work involved in frame by frame animation, the time it takes to complete an animation is fairly long and because of that animation is not released on a strict deadline. Instead, animation is released on a 'when it's done' basis. In addition, all animation works are released for free once complete as piracy would get around the paywall within a day or so, so I steer away from 'content access' as a subscriber incentive when it comes to these bigger works.