1. Do you take commissions?


2. When & what is the next video?

I post updates for subscribers that detail when that is happening. Look at updates on Discord, or scroll through the Subscribestar feed to find the most recent update.

3. How frequently do you post?

You can scroll through my Subscribestar feed even if you're not subscribed to see how frequently content comes out. A lot of the access you gain from subscribing is from my ever growing catalogue of exclusive posts, but new content might come out at a more unpredictable rate.

4. Will you respond to my message?

If you are coming from Patreon and want a refund, you can message me and I will give you a refund. Subscribestar does not have this feature. If you are reporting that a link or a video does not work, I will read it and fix it. Both of these I will respond to in about 72 hours max. Other than that, I will most probably not respond to private messages.

5. Is there exclusive content on Discord that I need to be on to see?

No. I post everything on Discord and Subscribestar simultaneously. You can find every piece of content on the archive links.

6. I cannot connect / use your Discord properly.

Try disconnecting your Discord account from your Subscribestar account, and reconnecting it.

7. I can't play the files I've downloaded from your Mega Archives, what is going on?

either of these work:

A) Use VLC media player to open the videos with. 

B) rename the videos and put .mp4 at the end.