December update - Six axes coming your way soon!

Hi Guys,

Time for an update, so that you know what I'm up to this month.

My plan for this month is to get out an Alpha release of the SR6. This machine is the OSR2’s big brother, built around a hexapod that uses 6 servos instead of the OSR2’s 3 servos. This makes it capable of a much wider range of movements, including swaying the receiver left-to-right, and grinding forwards-backwards.
The SR6 prototype

I want to be careful with your expectations however. This will be an Alpha release, with a low level of design maturity. That’s a fancy way of saying that this is a very new design and I expect I will be refining it a lot over the next few months.

This month’s release is therefore for the fanatics amongst you who want to be the first to get your hands on this machine. I am aiming to get the SR6-Alpha out this side of Christmas, and it will most likely be software and STLs only. Detailed build plans will follow in the coming months, once I have had some time to refine the design.

The design has matured a bit from the prototype shown in the image above. My $2 subscribers will see a sneak preview of the current design in a dev blog post in the next day or so.

Merry Christmas everyone!