uodate - Castle Crossover moved to next week.

I hope everyone is doing well this election night
Tonight's session of Castle Crossover is canceled because the family wants to do some election night party, honestly I would much rather play DnD but its just 1 night, next week we continue Castle Crossover at the same time.
I added a new women suggestions chat in the discord where you all can throw suggestions for women you want to see get drawn in Castle Crossover, next week the party will be trying to unlock this drawing of Madam Mim. I notice that the art-style I use for the side-quests in the game generally takes me about 1-2 days to finish so I can get a lot of tasty drawings done, I just need the suggestions and possible quest ideas for said women.
I can say I do see a noticeable difference in the hours of drawings I have been doing daily over the last few weeks and that really does cheer me up, at this rate you should see more drawings coming out even outside of the DnD game. 
Lastly I am participating in No Nut November, as odd as this sounds I encourage everyone to give NNN a solid try, it really helps in adding more hours in a day and allows you to try new hobbys. Hopefully my drawings this month wont cause you to fail this month :p