Progress Report - 11/02/20

Progress Tome

Dear Fans, 
It's been a productive week. I finished Dallas's Mono-Path content, I've started on Octavia's Mono-Path content and her Poly-Path content. I also went back to redo one of Octavia's worst scenes. I debated heavily on doing that because I didn't want to waste time that I could be putting towards content for future releases, but Octavia deserves better than some of those older scenes. She's an exceptional character that I didn't do justice in the beginning. 
So let's talk about Octavia's Mono-Path content for a moment. We're going to learn why she broke up with Penny a year ago and this will also tie into why she left the military. I have not yet figured out how to transition this into a sex scene so I've put her Mono-Path on hold until I have time to write the first part. 
Who could that be at the door??
For the Poly-Content sex scenes, I'm bringing back two themes that I loved the most from the game for the side girls. I'm excited to do them. The bad news is that the Mono-Path isn't going to have animations but the good news is that the Poly-Path definitely will. 
Last Thursday, I picked up Photoshop and began to learn how to use it so I can replace my current Photo Editor; GIMP. This is going to a learning journey and the renders might look a little different moving forward. I'll also be improving my post-work over time. 
This was one of the images from scene three that I've redone. 
With a better light setup and post-editing, we went from Casper to a rather gorgeous young woman. I also went through and slightly altered the dialogue. It's a vast improvement and I'll feel better about Avalon as a whole now that I've touched up this scene. It was bothering me quite a lot. She's an incredible woman, she deserved better.
We're three or four more weeks away from a release. I'm confident you all are going to love this release, it wraps everything up nicely for Octavia and Dallas. And then I'll be working on the Bonus Scene which is going to be really special.
Thanks for all the support. My fans are also my heroes. I appreciate you all so much! 
Farewell for now.