Weekly Progress Report - 11/01/20

Here's the weekly progress report for this last week -
Writing - Done, 100%
Posing/Rendering - Scene 8/10 Completed.
Coding - 35%
This week has gone excellently. I am currently wrapping up the last couple short scenes and getting some animations done, and then all visual content for Ep2 will be complete! 
We're getting close to the home stretch, and I couldn't be more excited. There's a few interesting easter eggs in Ep2 that I hope people will enjoy, though I won't say any more about that. Special thanks to Ptolemy for running a bunch of renders for me, enabling me to get things done much more quickly than I could have otherwise - check out his stuff at https://www.patreon.com/PTOLEMYGAMES if you're into narratively-deep visual novels!
Once again, thank you all so much for your support, and I can't wait to get Ep2 out for you all to play!
- Eris <3