End of week report
Hey guys! This week I’ve mostly been writing, which has been great fun.
We’re currently working on the early Lifepath, which will let you play through your heroine’s early backstory. This week I completed 60% of my writing tasks, so it feels like we’re on target for a content release around Halloween! 🤞🏻
Monday’s release of the character creator demo raised some interesting questions from Patrons:
SYH asked: does selecting the Resting Bitch Face quirk change the avatar’s face?

The answer is "not currently", but we’ll take a look at making this happen when we implement different facial expressions.
I was surprised by how popular the RBF quirk was with the playtesters! We mainly put it there as an example of the kind of quirks we plan to add in future: let us know if you have any ideas or requests!
Enrico asked: in the demo the character’s age and nationality is fixed – will this change in the game? And are the Kinks/Quirks lists final?

Age and nationality will be fixed for now (to 26 and British). This is to speed up production: we’ll go back and add in alternatives later as soon as we can. Similarly, the Kinks and Quirks will be built up over time.
Joris Janssen asked: would it be possible to add a face closeup so we can see the details better?

We experimented with this a while ago and ran into tech problems, but we’ll take another look into this.
Cereburn asked: would it be possible to get a darker background, to avoid eye strain?

We’ll look into it!
Raging Angel asked: is this now the full appearance, or will you be adding in more choices (like body type and freckles)?

We’ll be adding new choices such as hairstyles, skin tones, new features, makeup, freckles, tattoos, piercings, clothes, rear view, etc. The one thing that’s unlikely ever to return is body type because creating all the different variations just slowed production down too much. Sorry :-(
Nathaniel asked: can you make it clearer in the menus what’s been selected?

Yes, we’ll take a look at that, thanks for the feedback.

Okay, that's it for now!  I'm going to catch up on admin over the weekend, but I'm looking forward to writing again on Monday.  Have a great weekend everybody!