Another vaguely inspired by something else piece, this time a Kinky take on mascot-platformer stand-ins having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

 Ashari's Arbitrary Ratings: Adult - Warning: Themes include rather intense rape, tortures and sexual mistreatment, including forcing two friends to have unwilling intercourse. On top of which, one of the main characters is a feral shaped bird, though sentient. 

 Summary: The heroic pair Sam the aardwolf and the magical bird Kara are given a tip that their enemy, the koala Nefaris is preparing to attack. Leaping into action, they realise too late that Nefaris has become genre-savvy, and he has been preparing to humiliate his arch-enemies in the most perverse and debauched way his twisted team of scientists and engineers can concoct.