Goss_IP v0.8 is ready!

And not a day too soon... 
Hey guys, the 7th chapter is finally ready... It was really complicated and up until an hour ago, I was still working on it...
I tried to play test it like a 100 times with different parameters and I'm 99% that it's bug free. But if you find a bug please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP.
As always, I'll stay away from writing anything that might be considered a spoiler so... I will write about my vacation...
I 'm working Goss_IP non stop for more than 18 months now... As you know it's my first project and I really love working on it. But I think I'll take a couple of weeks off... Because, first I deserve it (Thank you very much), second, I really need to think about the next two releases that conclude volume One. Don't get me wrong, I have a very specific idea about them but, idea is one thing, script and dialogues are another. In those two releases for example, we'll finally find out what the hell is that luchador mask doing at Goss_IP's cover/main menu since v0.1...!
Anyway... What I'm trying to write is that maybe the next release will be a couple of weeks later than usual. So let's fix it for October 15th 2020 maybe.
So without any further delay, enjoy:
Android (Universal):
Thank you for your support. I really hope I'm keeping my standards high and up to your expectations. Stay safe!