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Adult fantasy fiction and art in 3D.

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MEGA account locked :-(

With great sadness I am hereby to inform you all that for the time being it seems my MEGA account has been locked/banned. -_-

Maybe it was reported or maybe it failed some automated screening.
The chance for this was always there.

Don't worry, I got all my works backed up twice at home. So that should not be the issue.

But I want to share everything asap again of course.

If anybody knows some good/free filehoster for longterm storage of the pictures, feel free to comment here or drop me a message, would be glad! =)

I've written at MEGA support in the meantime, but I doubt it will do anything.
Of course I will keep you updated and hope to find some kind of solution today. If anything fails I make a backup account on another E-Mail adress for the time being.
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