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vahnYD profile
I make lewd and cute girls (NSFW)

Subscription Tiers

per month

You get my basic monthly image set through Subscribestar Message! (I will also give you the discord link through message)

Also, you get some colored Sketches I don't release on my Pixiv!

Poll value of 1 No Discord role

per month

You get Iron rewards, Silver-Locked contents (a lot of backlog rewards!), and Silver Discord role.

Monthly Rewards upgrade: more images then iron rewards, plus occasional main poll winner PSDs with a lot of combinations you can do in it Also, you get bonus greyscale sketches I don't release on pixiv

Poll Value of 3

per month
Gold Tier

Get Gold-Locked contents (a lot of backlog rewards! Plus, I will occasionally upload even more bits of my monthly works as Gold tier rewards), plus Iron and Silver Rewards, You get Gold Role on my Discord,

Monthly Rewards upgrade: More PSDs for my works and even more greyscale sketches I don't release to my Pixiv.

Poll Value of 8

per month

All of Monthly rewards!

Plus you can ask for a total of 5 HD artwork sets OR 4 illustrations PSDs once per month. (negotiable, please DM me)

you'll also get 2 previous months 1st poll winners PSDs (if its not a doujin)

Poll Value: 15

per month

All above rewards~! plus A monthly Greyscale sketch commission!

Poll Value: 20

Limited (2 out of 2) subscriptions
Limit reached
per month
Mini Special

all monthly rewards + a monthly colored sketch commission :)

Poll Value: 20

Limited (3 out of 3) subscriptions
Limit reached

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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