I know, I know, I've been silent again.
I would apologise, but let's be honest here, who's going to believe me after the last time and I went quiet again.
So, what I will say is that over this weekend and into next week, I'll be looking into getting more done with the system I had been working on, once this is done, then KH2 will be continued as I feel this would be better for me moving forwards.
I am looking to give more or less the same UI look, with extras and this will be shown elsewhere when it comes to fruition.
NA will get more done around this, I will be working a little on both at the same time to try catch up some, but I would still like to get the first release of KH2 out before the next NA release.
With this out, I can stop stressing on it as much as it's honestly been stressing me a lot, I wish to not alienate the original, but at the same time, I have to make it my own, without going too far from original, leading me to overthink this more than I need to.
I will say, It might take me some time to get back into the flow and reacquainting myself with the tools I use.
For now, this is all for the update and I will be around in the usual places while I work through this.