April 2023 Update

Hello everyone, I know my updates and finished works have probably been disappointing to you over the past few months. To be transparent with you, as you’ve supported me and encouraged my artwork: I have been in a very bad depression for quite some time due to difficulties finding work following my graduation, and it has horrifically impacted my motivation.

I apologize for not finishing the projects I’ve showed you; a large personal failing is that I am very critical of my work, and I feel deep embarrassment if it doesn’t meet a level of quality that I am comfortable sharing with you as a final product.

I don’t have a formal education in 3D modeling and artwork, everything I have done has been self-taught and has also used other established tools. I genuinely want to give you something that I think is amazing. For some time now I kept feeling that whatever I make is not good enough or isn’t competently lighted, or composed, or sexy, or interesting and it has been very difficult to lose myself in art to be creative, when my career prospects have been so dismal.

This isn’t a plea for your support, I just wish to be honest with you considering the abrupt hiatus from updates. I want to share my progress as an artist and make things that you enjoy, but there is so much work involved in this that finished products, ones that aren’t simply 2 naked people in a room, take time when your attention must be divided.

As always, your support here, or your positive comments on social media posts of my art, retweets, likes, are meaningful to me.

My goal from this post is to complete several holiday render ideas that I ran past the “deadline” for just to finish them and stop torturing myself by abandoning things I had worked hard on merely due to difficult time management.

Thank you all again, I’m a small artist and it means a lot to me to see people actually enjoy my work.