Another week, more progress made.
Although my focus was going to be on KH2, It has been a bit more on rendering for NA, this is partly down to more than once when trying to setup a scene, when mostly done, with no saving done, the program crashes out.
This caused me to feel somewhat disheatened and didn't want to work on it, however I didn't want to spend my time off work doing nothing, so went and done some rendering for NA.
However this hasn't gone without hitches either, sometimes I've got some done, others been fighting to get much of anything done.
My problems with my system have been progressively been getting worse, now weirdly, it's been worse since my reinstall of windows, though things seem to point to more of a possible graphics issue, however on odd occasions got an actual log in windows log, it's shown a low memory issue, however I have more than enough.
I did increase my pagefile size, done memory testing and still problems persist, however not had an error of low memory since, though I've yet to use max ram, so unsure how would even run out of memory.
I have no resorted to contacting GPU manufacturer for support on help to diagnose to see if my assumption is correct in this being the issue or if it's elsewhere.
I am working again for next 3 days, but hopefully I can progress with them to get my issues resolved to make my workflow easier, allowing me to produce more of the content I am trying to provide you all.
However, although this post isn't exactly positive, I have at least got the entirety of the introduction scenes completed and a couple renders for the first train station in the story, this includes an additional render which was always intended, but never had the right assets to product this. I will of course keep you updated on things when they happen, or at least in a worklog.